Bad softie cheats in a deal

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As a breadwinner myself, I feel for you and your personal issues especially regarding the financial aspects. However, as a law enforcement officer, dont you think you should abide by the rule of "a deal is a deal"? Softies are not an unsympathetic bunch but no one likes to be short chnged for any reason. Allen will "burn me" for saying this but he too needed every cent of that money owe to him for a financial issue which i wont reveal of course due to my respect to his privacy wishes.

It's none of my business obviously but I feel perhaps you should prioritize and plan your finances accordigly.

On the positive side, it is good to read that you have apologized to Allen in your previous posts (it takes a big and responsible man to do that online) and will be making good the balance sum.

We all, and I do mean ALL (especially anyone who posted extremely negatively posts in this thread) must learn from our mistakes.

This should be the end of the matter, agreed softies?
wah eh family problems I also have. financial problems I also have. but who doesn't? you can bring on the ancient chinese homeland sad story feat. the er hu later on after you paid the remaining $120.

i think this isn't the first time, there was a "bad deal" earlier on, which is somehow similar about the buyer having family problems, his mom was seriously ill or something can't remember. but hey think about it.. you can think about your hobby/music when you're in the middle of that? a little bit hypocritical right. (p.s and burn in hell too for taking your family for granted for your personal gain)

somehow this thread may take up abit of bandwidth of soft, but now that it's happening over and over, read up close, I believe SOFTies (not the victims, but the bad-dealers) should read this up properly and get your situation straight first before you deal. we're not interested in your reasons nor excuses. we're not your long time kopitiam guiness and peanuts friends. just get the deal over with and then we can talk. james(soft) has made this forum an amazing place with great ppl and mindset. it's the only forum who I seldom see those lamers like others and it's not about to be discouraged by likes of yours.

as for the "victims", as simple as to avoid this kinda crap, don't take instalments or delayed payments. you're not the bank, credit company. and you're definitely not a loan shark (avoid becoming one) to end up chasing after the bad-dealer. Test, meet up , FULL deal. and state your warranty terms if there's any. anything not happy - pass the deal, don't deal. low baller? don't deal. someone try to play punk with negotiations? don't deal. tried and tested so i welcome you join the softies who don't have these deal problems and live their lives happy because they only do Black, or do White. no shades of grey.

50¢ worth.
theunknown: nah bro, im not gonna vouch....hahaha im over the matter; i probably suck more anyway, and yea it pisses me off when he misspells james hetfield. yea he can go find some one better la.

and yea, if he said allen gave him a shitty guitar, y take in the first place? some advice dood if ur reading, go test the guitar out first b4 u buy. if its not worth the price then y take it?. (no offence to allen bro). Save up and get that esp ur always dreaming about. if u buy a cheap guitar, u shud know that its not gonna sound like a gibson or esp explorer correct? but yea, at least u appologized... =D

oh yea..looking 4wd to jam with u soon theunknown bro, haha..cya ard..

peace to everyone.
the unknown..ns in police really have no time..why dun u understand..i even got no time to talk to my girl..coz evrytime go back freakin tired...wen u get to ns then u noe..u haven go ns...ur a great fren..yes true...let my tell u sumthing bro...wen u sing..ur key is out gotta prac on that..if can't play that key..the guitars can tune down....metal_rider is not in my band..for goodness sake..i'm in a fault why u guys hate my other 3 members dun deserve tat wad...anyway i was really busy...u guys go ns then u noe la...and the metalzone...u wanna use first use la...but wen i wan it back i call u.....look i noe i've been i'm sorry k..its not an excuse i'm tellin u is wad is happening in my life during my ns life..anyway i finish my ns already lor...ORD the unknown..i know u blacklist me already..but u think properly..i dun hate u..instead i wanna help why u treatin my this way..maybe its just a misunderstanding...all this can be solve by callin..but wen i call u u nvr pick up..
i've learn my mistakes and i won't do it again...the me k??u wanna talk to like a man and meet me or call me lor???no use postin here in forums talkin bad lor..u not happy meet the guy face to face...dun be scared lor..the unknown i saw u at cathay there u like scared scared for wad..i'm not gonna eat u or sumthing...everyone whu is readin...look ppl learn from mistakes..i noe my mistakes..but dun let them suffer the whole music life they least i have guts to apologies online...i'n not asking for sympathy..but just askin u guys to understand my family debt of 50k..whu can pay??we all are all average workers..wher got enough rite??if u guys are really each other lor..we all singaporeans anyway..local scene...wad for u blacklist ur own fellow citizen...if i'm at fault..tell me need to blacklist me wad...and wen meetin like scared..for wad???u dare to write her then meet me scared2 for wad...i dun hate no one..i just wan all local musicians to be as one..allen i'm gona apologies me k??so we can settle need to fight over this..this is between me and allen..wad for u guys pushing me down to the ground..
The dude has apologised and stated he's gonna settle up the outsnding amount with Allen. This should be the end of the matter and this thread should be locked.
no, my fren, these people dont hate ur band. its just the matter that ur nick is ur band's name.

i will not say another word is this thread.
the unknown..ns in police really have no time..why dun u understand..i even got no time to talk to my girl..coz evrytime go back freakin tired...wen u get to ns then u noe..u haven go ns...ur a great fren..yes true...let my tell u sumthing bro...wen u sing..ur key is out gotta prac on that..if can't play that key..the guitars can tune down....metal_rider is not in my band..for goodness sake..i'm in a fault why u guys hate my other 3 members dun deserve tat wad...anyway i was really busy...u guys go ns then u noe la...and the metalzone...u wanna use first use la...but wen i wan it back i call u.....look i noe i've been i'm sorry k..its not an excuse i'm tellin u is wad is happening in my life during my ns life..anyway i finish my ns already lor...ORD the unknown..i know u blacklist me already..but u think properly..i dun hate u..instead i wanna help why u treatin my this way..maybe its just a misunderstanding...all this can be solve by callin..but wen i call u u nvr pick up..

Brother ROD oh~
your from what intake?.
intakes after 121 all get welfare. more pay, better treatment.
so not fair..

sad sad..

and nobody blackisted nobody yet.
Ok kids, enough. I'm sorry I didn't catch this earlier. Matter is settled, Messrgod has agreed to pay up, please act on your words and do use the spacebar instead of full stops.

Those not directly involved, please refrain from posting anymore.
i'm from 124...welfare is not given bro...after 126 then they got pay is only 400...thats the highest i can get..after minus the stupid welfare card and powell all i only bring home 400 max...stupid lor...i dun even use the police wefare card...and the magazines we suppose to pay..i dun even get to read it...its not i got no money...i need the guitar for a performance which is a stupid performance...but wher's allen...reply me leh allen..and the unknown...keep in contact man..i can give u free lessons...since i'm talkin lessons from a guy..wad i learn i can teach u wad...if u need a band..i can hook u up..since i got alot of frens whu haf no band...
free lessons? i'll think about that. hahah. thanks for the offer.

about band, no need worry. i have a band now. and gonna make another one with softies. woohoo
er i don't need that $120bucks man.... A guitar with no problems and is playable is not a shitty guitar... It's all down to you that you are the problem or practically, ur amp totally sucks big time... Like i said if u think the guitar sounds weird, i think u haven't got your once in a lifetime opportunity to own a guitar tuner or rather u suck at intonating. I played a tgm electric guitar, and i don't say it sucks, i just plug it into a good sounding amp and i get the magic done... If u got some kind of financial problem or family problem, don't tell the softies... we don't give a damn and because we do have our own families too... If u think metal can really succeed in singapore, i dare u to go ahead in front of the minister mentor and ask him to make singapore a metal hub in South East Asia. If trash talking is all u can prove abt yourself, then i doubt anyone would ever want to deal with u ever. Keep that 120 bucks and save it for a rainy day... and enjoy that guitar that rocked my socks.... It's your choice to get it anyway not my fault... lame arse....
wad the????look man...i ues a guitar tuner..yes..but my ears are sharp dude...coz u play standard e tuning..can yes..but i play one step down..not all guitars can be use for a one step down tuning wad...look..i apologize for my shitty behaviour man..wad u haf against me man???wad else u wan me to do...the way u say is like i just play music yest...why u hate me so much for wad..isit bcoz i'm malay???tell me man...
wad the????look man...i ues a guitar tuner..yes..but my ears are sharp dude...coz u play standard e tuning..can yes..but i play one step down..not all guitars can be use for a one step down tuning wad...look..i apologize for my shitty behaviour man..wad u haf against me man???wad else u wan me to do...the way u say is like i just play music yest...why u hate me so much for wad..isit bcoz i'm malay???tell me man...

Zul pay that Allen guy and settle with it and Allen don't be such a big headed just accept your money back.

The guitar is setup for a standard tuning 440. Zul if you wanna play a step down you must resetup the guitar by readjusting the neck, bridge and intonation, strings height blah blah. If you don't do a setup even a high end expensive guitar will sound sucky. If you do not know any technical guitar setup, sent it to a qualified guitar tech.

For your info All standard 6 and 7 strings electric guitar can be play at any tuning you want. Get it right before you blame the guitar. Go and read some technical knowledge about the electric guitar setup. Getting to know your instrument is a way to a better playing.
What a heated argument.. =\ Can't both parties just contact each other and settle it over a call. Set a day and a time. Spare each other 10mins and talk it over. No point dragging and making this thread waste more bandwidth. =\


Oh, if that has been done already. then i'll take what i've said back. ~
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