Bad Apple (MBP15" Logic Board)


Staff member
My Macbook Pro suddenly decided not to start up and after bringing to the Apple Service Centre (Micro2000), was quoted $1,712.00 for changing the Logic Board.

I am really disappointed.

Anyone has alternative for saving my computer?
woah thats a huge sum mod..i just got a MacBook hope mines dun end up like that? Can u explain wads wrong with the logicboard that needs to be changed?
They simply say, "Logic board need to be replaced". So bad right? Cannot even tell me what is wrong with it. Haiz....

I got this in Apr 08. It was working all fine. Then the other morning, it just refuse to start up.
wow...thats ex

that's why I just threw my iMac(minus mouse & keys) into the dustbin after using it for 5 years...heard about the high servicing cost...

how old is yours?
Hey James

U can try this Laptop Repair shop at SimLim Square Level 4 , in between VideoPro and Fuwell

I got quoted by eServe $700 + $138 Diagnostic fee to replace my 320Hdd and Reformat

Cost me $210 at the repair shop to fix it ( $160 for new HDD and $50 for labour, although they couldn't do data recovery.

goodluck , i feel the pain man ! my Macbook Pro dropped during jam .


try to google bro..lots of ppl have similar will always say replace logic board for even small parts malfunction (FW port fried, replace logic board)..heard of ppl's MBPs coming to life after some troubleshooting..some did not even do anything just managed to start..
Same situation happened to me on my Dell Laptop 2months back, couldn't start up the next morning after I just used it the previous night. Its definitely a mobo problem, somehow I managed to get it to boot up just once by shaking it, but couldn't work the next morning again. Luckily its under warranty, like what jem has said, might be just a small problem but just couldn't work without it.
Careful about servicing at SLS. Later kuna cut carrot. Will leave a sour taste in your mouth.

I also doubt if you can get suitable replacement parts if you service third party.

If your Macbook Pro still falls under warranty by all means confirm can RMA.

If not i advise you to go back there and raise hell. :mrgreen:
Seems like there's also another authorized Apple service center other than micro2000. Can give it a try.

Sapura Service @ DigitaLife Mall (Funan) - Apple Authorised Service Provider
109 North Bridge Road, #05-44,

Singapore 179097
Tel: (65) 6337 2993
Fax: (65) 6336 8563
Hardware Services offer: Default Apple products except iPhone and Xserve/XRaid. Estimated Ready for collection: 4th working days (exclude Sat, Sun & PH) Operating hours: Mondays to Saturdays: 11.00 am to 7.30 pm, Sundays and Public Holidays: 12 noon to 7.00 pm
i had a friend whose imac died. he was also quoted some insane amount to change the logic board. basically it means your com is totally screwed. he had an option to recover the data from the com but it also cost a bit, i cant remember the details.

apple should do a trade-in program for macs that are beyond repair, with a sizeable discount.

anyway, for the amount they quoted you might as well get a new mac. you can camp at the refurbished mac section, i have a suspicion that the term 'refurbish' is just a ploy to clear old models at knockdown prices, rather than it really being refurbished. that's good for us.
Got the MBP back, decided not to have the logic board replaced by Micro2000 as the price is as good as getting a new notebook.

Called up a few unofficial repair centres and they say they can try. Well, this is the only option left.

** Anyone with an APPLE product, PLEASE buy the APPLECARE although they are simply telling you that their product will konk after 1 year. I learnt the lesson the hard way. Mind you, I have been using Mac since 1994. I usually obsolete them due to more advance computing available. But this MBP is a real disappointment. 1.5 years, died.
dont despair, since you been around frm '94..
whats the fault symptom? cant start at all or chime w/ blank screen?
have you tried checking if yours qualify for any apple recall programme?
i recall reading from apple support site, the people we should talk to should be
non others than direct from apple customer care dept., not technician not repair shops

which reminds me i haven't start up my apple IIgs for a very long time.. my relic pride & joy..

good luck! :)
eieio, haiz... not despair, just disappointed lor. So much faith in the product and it failed me.

Anyways, my machine is THE batch ( April 2008 ) they were recalling for Nvidia graphic chip problem. But Micro2000 die die say there is no problem with the graphic chip. The problem is with the logic board.

"We cannot boot up the system, which means it is the logic board problem..."

If they can't even boot up, how do they know the graphic chip is not THE one causing the logic board to kaput?

When I ask them specifically which part of the board is spoiled, they could not tell me.
You got a strong point there, that batch is nasty with apple & nvidia finger pointing episode.
Ok double confirm your serial, find any relevance from apple support site to back up your model(if any)

Once you're full of ammo, try calling apple(1800-myapple?), dont sound frustrated, be nice but firm, hopefully they'll refer your case to their supervisors.
No harm trying to sweet talk(in a nice way ok not slimy or authoritative way), they are just like us, working our a** off, listening to customers whining all day in day out..

Remember the slogan.. "Think Different"... before bowing down @the repairshop's mercy!
oh by the way dont tell ppl ok.. its between us only.. ex-evangelist here.. :mrgreen:
eieio, thanks for your encouragements. I have spoken with Apple's people over the phone. Yes, they are very friendly but they can't help me also. They were the ones who told me about the graphic chip problem and confirmed my machine is the affected batch but they needed Micro2000 to tell them that it is the graphic chip problem.

Since Micro2000 cannot boot up, they cannot state if the graphic chip is working or not.

Since they know that this batch of machine have problem with the graphic chip, they should simply contact all owners and get them to do a replacement.

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