
New member
i was amazed by them. They have the whole package.. showman ship, passion and technical abilities.. really had a good time yesterday. thier show rocked and i love the shit they play!!!

B Quartified

hey man, yeah thanks alot! that would be great it would be much better if the whole band could sign haha. keeping it as a momento in the jam studio.

i was looking for the tracks you told me about on your website, i dont see any of thiers dude?
soft said:
i didnt go because i had to work. anyone got pix for me to see?

We'll try to upload some of the pictures by the weekend. It was an extremely packed night. Unfortunately, we forgot to take pictures of the crowd (like in JUICE and IS. Heh.) Our bad.

MrMisse saw purplehaze3691 at the front taking photos. Din manage to catch him though... :cry:
I like his eye for colours. His Rudra cover shoot for us was v nice. The yellow shades and tones reminded me of a Wong Kar Wai movie... Hahahha...

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