Avenged Sevenfold are a bunch of sell outs who weren't very metal to begin with. In the past however they managed to win over hearts of even true metalheads, because their older material were of substance.
Now? A successful band all over MTV, making retarded songs and shaming the likes of Iron Maiden and Metallica by citing them as major influences.
I guess most of their fans now are of the younger generation. I have younger friends who are into them now, and apart from that they have a music staple of modern punk, emo, hardcore, and pop rock bands. And these kids who are so shallow in their music think that A7X is best metal band in the world.
The hardcorez moshers that night were a huge joke, moshing almost anything.
M.Shadows started 'Almost Easy' with 'I'm not insane, I'M NOT INSANNEEE!'
OMGZ how f***ing Br00tal is that?
My point is for the newer fans of A7x to humble yourselves down, use your little brains and ears to enjoy music and not your teenage angst and kung fu moves, and stop talking as if they are the only band you ever listen to.
You guys are a huge joke to the true fans who have been listening to them from over 5 years ago.
(and also the funny people who are suddenly very into schecter guitars because of them. schecter guitars aren't anything impressive. yes i have tried even the higher end ones)
So sue me..