Audiophiles gather and share!


New member
Hello world of audiophiles and people who care about good museeeeek!

Share your favourite EQ settings on your WMP/Itunes/WMP etc etc on this thread and anything related to this topic.
I spent quite awhile trying to tweak the graphic EQ on my WMP to suit the style of music i listen to, listening to a lot of songs and tweaking whenever i feel is necessary. And also adjusting the positions of my speakers till i'm satisfied.
How far have you gone/what do you normally do to achieve your favourite sound?
i got a Realtek HD audio manager, but i just set it to default since i dont know how to confirgure it. As long as the speakers loud+ woofers working, then im ready to headbang. But im thinking of buying new cheap speakers.
I only use headphones because if I play with speakers everybody will eventually complain of noise pollution. :(
my macbook is set with a vocal boost

for my home speakers+woofers
i use the inbuilt eq on my speaker. just boost the treble and bass slightly
ok i actually bothered to open my WMP just to check. my graphic EQ is pretty much a straight line, though everything boosted a tad bit. i don't like graphic EQs. and besides, the nature of acoustics means that every different place you go to, it'd sound different. i travel quite a fair bit, so i don't bother setting it much.

ok here's the interesting part. under WMP's enhancements, there's this part that says SRS effects. my TruBass and WOW are both set to full. it just makes anything that's played sound more.. full.

i don't like graphic EQ. i wish my laptop had my bassbone for a preamp.
Hi there,

I'm a self-confessed audiophile, and I'd love to share. Although I must say that you're only skimming the tip of the huge iceberg that the audiophile's world encompasses. (:

Regarding equalisers, I don't use them. Not on my home rig, and neither on my iPod. Especially on the iPod, where distortion is sometimes introduced when you're using the EQ. By and large, most audiophiles will avoid EQ as, from a purist's standpoint, you're making up for the shortcomings of the recording, or in other words, altering the true nature of the recording. Pristine, detailed, perfect playback, listening to the recording as it was meant to be listened to, that's the whole idea.

I'd not go into the details of my rigs, i.e brands etc, unless of course you'd specifically enquire. Just a rough outline,

For my humble home rig, I have a DAC (Digital Analogue Converter) and an amplifier, which I use along with my various headphones. Speakers-wise, I use the nEar 04s.

For my portable rig, I use an 80GB ipod Classic, connect to a portable headphone amplifier, and my trusty UE SF5 Pro IEMs.

Last but not least, as an audiophile, you need a good source. Seriously, poorly encoded mp3s, WMA etc are really not doing justice to your music. Lossless is the way to go, as they say, garbage in, garbage out.

I could go on and on, but I'm controlling myself. :D

+1 to Phil. And audiophiles use all sorts of weird programmes like foobar, as foobar allows you to use asio4all to go around Window's OS-inherent degradation of signals. I'm going all out when I build my PC, so for now my audiophile rig is only limited to my portable.

I play mostly .flac files through a Rockbox (think Linux firmware for players) iaudio X5 and set EQ to flat, since my in-ear-monitors (Earpeace Livewires) have a pretty flat sonic signature.
kekeke +1 to jabenites. im using mylars with complies and i think thats already damn good for me. dun really go for high end sounds.