At what age would you allow your kids to listen to your...

AEnimic said:
coz i never saw any professional artist play it!!!!

that's where you are so wrong bro... there's this dude who basks at bedok interchange... plays a gigantic recorder for a living... but still... it sounds like crap
woah...but...i cnt accept the fact that a recorder is for should be used as a novelty toy....considering the shape...
AEnimic said:
and it shouldnt even be considered an instrument...coz i never saw any professional artist play it!!!!

Then you really haven't heard anything. Recorders are used since eons past in classical music like Bach. It's still used extensively in classical music particularly the baroque and renaissance eras. Even in flim music, recorders are used to create certain atmospheres.

And there are many types of recorders as well - bass, tenor, alto, soprano and sopranino recorders.

No professionals play it? I don't listen to Led Zeppelin stuffs, but doesn't "Stairway to Heaven" suppose to start with a guitar and a recorder?

Granted - many of the recorders we played in school looks and feel like toys. But there are pro recorders - definitely. Don't look down on the instrument!!!
maybe i should let lil Dal hear The Smiths and grow up to be a miserable adult but makes good music like Morrissey.But no Babyshambles or Libertines,he might end up like Pete Doherty(negative aspects)
let him listen to chinese opera if your kid is chinese. or else he will end up like me, a chinese who can't speak for nuts....

at least i got a c6(p) for chinese Os, the marker mustve been drunk.
I think it's not a good idea to blast speaker music to the baby-inside. Pure music mechanically produced sinusoids is better and purer, and better and safer for the ears than most average speaker's re-produced sound.
Simple sounds will suffice for babies .......
I think we shall wait until the day when we all become fathers and then we will wonder whether we should let our kids listen to metal or not.

I see posts about "Yeah definitely I'll let my kids listen to metal! \M/" and stuff like that but when you all actually get to be fathers , I would like to see you put theory into practical :roll:

I bet our typical fatherly instinct would tell us not to

I listen to metal but I sure don't want my kids to start listening to that genre at such a young age. Metal as a genre is just not a good headstart for a young kid to appreciate music.
Cheez said:
There are anectodal reports of loud music giving stress to babies and infants. I will like to meet a parent who actually lets his/her baby listen to heavy metal - I've not met one yet!

There are also studies done to show that classical music exposed at a younger age increases the size of the temporal lobe of the left brain (language center). Soothing music had been shown to significantly affect the improvement of premature babies in neonatal ICU when compared to premature babies in ICU without music. Of course, some are controversial. People are still trying to confirm what we call the "Mozart Effect".

I was exposed to heavy metal ever since I was born. One of the first bands were Scorpions, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath. I remember singing along to Rock You Like A Hurricane when I was 3-4 years old.
Of course limit it to the softer metal side. It only makes sense that brutal death and black metal whatsoever will kill their ears and make them cry. If insisted, keep the volume low and help them grow their eardrums. I'll do that, probably play metal in my car when my child is in the back seat, but of course with volume sucks but yea..responsibility of a father i guess. but oh well thats a long way to go so yea...i shall focus on my career 1st
Actually the Scorpions , Deep Purple and Black Sabbath ain't so bad. Maybe the most drastic thing that can happen is that your kid gets totally freaked out over Ozzy Osbourne's voice! :lol:
megalon43 said:
Cheez said:
There are anectodal reports of loud music giving stress to babies and infants. I will like to meet a parent who actually lets his/her baby listen to heavy metal - I've not met one yet!

There are also studies done to show that classical music exposed at a younger age increases the size of the temporal lobe of the left brain (language center). Soothing music had been shown to significantly affect the improvement of premature babies in neonatal ICU when compared to premature babies in ICU without music. Of course, some are controversial. People are still trying to confirm what we call the "Mozart Effect".

I was exposed to heavy metal ever since I was born. One of the first bands were Scorpions, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath. I remember singing along to Rock You Like A Hurricane when I was 3-4 years old.

DUUUUDE!!! thats the same as me!!! haha!!

but yeah,i'll still let him listen to Jazz and lots of Blues....switch on to Symphony 92.4FM(dunno if i got it correct)...then when he grow up i make him into a Symphonic/Goth Metal head...

HEHE...ok i was joking about the last part...:P
juz let the kid develope his own taste in music..

but for a start..i'd intro classical.juz intro..wont force him/her to like it.
hey kid... you from which century huh !!
Kids nowadays prefer listening to Shakira ...Black eyed whatnot ...hoi !!