At this hour.


New member
OK it's 3.50am now! I'm feeling damnnnnn hungry now. i mean i'm REAL hungry. :( And i had like a whole packet of prawn noodles jus now. WHAT AM I.. AM I EVOLVING INTO A COW? noooooooooooooooooo. OH well, maybe i'm just too big so i need more food.
lets not drag blackmoo or shredcow into this. :wink: haha if u hungry eat la, unless ur not hungry and just craving :p .i'll probably gonna go eat in about an hour :lol:
LoL, it's only natural people who love enjoying the night are struck by frequent hunger pangs. Fortunately for me i've got an abundance of food supplies around the area. Nothing beats a good teh ping and prata in the mid of the night at Simpang Bedok :lol:
wah ... sinful sial...

i have decided to cut down on my night snacks....suppers and canned drinks and booze and tidbits.

now if i eat. i try to eat nice food... if not i dun eat at all...
hopefully can slim down abit ah.. my belly mucham few months pregnant already...
pooooo is so trim, of course la. Every night eat prata still got a figure nicer than a lamp post.
I swear one day it will rain milk. Till then you damned humans. Mark my words... Cows shall rule the world!
BlackMoo said:
pooooo is so trim, of course la. Every night eat prata still got a figure nicer than a lamp post.

LoL. High metabolism.

wah ... sinful sial...

i have decided to cut down on my night snacks....suppers and canned drinks and booze and tidbits.

Haha, sinful or not, snacking is something i can absolutely not do without. It's become an addiction :lol:
Hehe. I have an essay due 8 am today, and I was not concentrating at 11pm, so I went to bed and got up and hour ago and doing it now. 8)
wah, you guys are like bats ar.
i juzz ate my sahor. coz, todays the start of the FASTING MONTH!!!
then later got lit paper. haizz.
ARRGH!!! i slept at 4am jus now.. and i woke up at 2pm.. i'm such a pig.. I SHOULD DIEEEE!!! i have been doing this for 2days. :( eh weird thing i'm not feeling hungry now. zZz...
beta than me...slept at 2am got up at 430 - preparation for fasting...then back to sleep at 530 up at 7am...

nope..left house at 8pm - now working till 6pm then got meeting...sure 2b home late n no tyme to praktis for fri gig..

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