I guess many of us are just a bunch of insecure people who explode at the mere challenge of our beliefs. Bombay Ghee is a satirical character, he writes in metaphors and adds a welcome lightheartedness to this forum. We really need to learn how to laugh at ourselves, man...
So here we have the gear terrorists, the OM bigots and the all encompassing self righteous people. Nobody seems to have a problem with those, that's the funny part.
If we could just stop treating gear, music or even sport (look at the football threads!!!) like religion, then perhaps this place will be better. And IMO, bombay ghee is alot more interesting than the self righteous OM clips which claim to be what they are not. At least bombay ghee doesn't hide his nonsense as the gospel truth and he doesn't cut and paste chunks of useless information taken from elsewhere to clog up the forum!