As Promised: Bombay Ghee's intro

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what the f-u-c-k happened to you guys are responsible for making it what it is today..... posting lame shite..... and no one ever said our webbie was the best... i KNOW it looks like shite..... so what? hide behind your screens all you want...... say it to my face you pussies..... especially that stupid asshole with the stupid pic and dumbarse name..... and some cheebai who thinks he's a bombay superstar....
I guess many of us are just a bunch of insecure people who explode at the mere challenge of our beliefs. Bombay Ghee is a satirical character, he writes in metaphors and adds a welcome lightheartedness to this forum. We really need to learn how to laugh at ourselves, man...

So here we have the gear terrorists, the OM bigots and the all encompassing self righteous people. Nobody seems to have a problem with those, that's the funny part.

If we could just stop treating gear, music or even sport (look at the football threads!!!) like religion, then perhaps this place will be better. And IMO, bombay ghee is alot more interesting than the self righteous OM clips which claim to be what they are not. At least bombay ghee doesn't hide his nonsense as the gospel truth and he doesn't cut and paste chunks of useless information taken from elsewhere to clog up the forum!
Aye...Mr " Your pic looks like the guitar is oversized for you"

Brother goose has posted more constructive stuff to this place then your kopi ka tai and rants. I think he needs to fix you up like how he fixes his pedals and give you a hair cut like his. The maybe you can learn to smile more.

In your own words....cheers..... now shadafarkarp... haha...

Yes, i am a bombay..supastar...PM me if you'd like an autograph or some signed posters.

I don't need to say things face to face to you...i am contented being a keyboard warrior. I take great enjoyment in pressing your balls from this far behind my screen.
Everybody has a perspective, an opinion, a worldview.... SOFT is just one forum.. can't fit everyone in it... better isn't better, worse may not be worse... its all subjective subjective subjective...


Its just a cyber world... :D Be what you wanna be, do what you wanna do! Nothing serious, nothing personal, nothing really needed... ;)

At least Mr Ghee here has tried to make a difference instead of posting a few (like 10) posts be-moaning the state of SOFT...

Anyway, I don't think it would work out much here... at least not now...

P.S. bopakeh, just in case, I wasn't refering to you in anyway in the things I've mentioned... thought I better make it clearer. Yeap.
lets have a prata fight 8)

haha,well,dun get worked up over BG dudes.i am not in favour of his antics all the time,but sometimes its really lighthearted and kinda like lifts ur spirits when u read his posts and the chill,he isn't doing any damage,he's just hogging attention,(which maybe a bad thing).but doesn't mean we must fight it out and stuff.its just an online forum,as shredcow said.

as my hokkien brothers would agree how you are appropriately named.... :lol:

ok lah me bad sorry for the insult .... :?
but please forgive me if i have made you all flurry ya !

Celebrations around the corner ...chill !!
Bombay Ghee
Is funny as funny can be.
Some people should
Just let him be..

Take care bombay.. may your arteries never be clogged..

Slash04 said:
azlan said:
if you seriously think he's funny, you've got a real weird sense of humour....

and whatthehellyournameis..... f-u-c-k you....


I'm sure if you were to tell azlan, in person, face to face, he would understand it as a joke.
Well ppl are very different online than tey are in person... So let's presume Azlan is a really nice and easy going guy who part-times as a clown, aites? :)
Slash04 said:
Well ppl are very different online than tey are in person... So let's presume Azlan is a really nice and easy going guy who part-times as a clown, aites? :)

I agree.

Except for the clown part. ;)
eh mr pundek.... if you wanna get back at someone, do so directly..... don't BULL.... dun sign up for a soft acct and just for the sake of one person, bid around such a BIGGG bush......

i have a good sense of hmour... i did find you a lil funny... after a while, it just gets boring and lame..... seriously..... and all of you jaga his backside like as though he's paying you salary....... hahah....
notchjohnson said:
who said anything about pictures???


That, i think, wasn't necessary...
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