Arsenal Thread for all you Gunners fans


New member
Just to make things clear, I'm anti-Gunner through and through. Hell, my first team was Tottenham before I started supporting Manchester United as well. So you have an idea of how anti-Gooner I am.

That said, it's just not right that our fellow football cousin-fans suffer the nomadic cruelty of wandering from club thread to club thread, and pissing off just about every other fan in the process. It's not really their fault, after all. Deep down inside, all the snide remarks and sarcastic insults conceal their longing for a thread of their own. Therefore, I henceforth unveil the Arsenal FC thread for all you Gunners out there! Have fun discussing the sheer catastrophic tragedy of Eduardo's leg. Enjoy yourselves pondering Wenger's tactics for the title race. And we all do truly hope that you find out William Gallas' diaper size.:p

Joga Bonito, friends. And you do play Joga Bonito, and that's the only time you'll ever hear it from me, so treasure it, all you Arseanal fans. Have fun.

Love, growlingsoulpup.
Alamak so kiasu ahh. Fgl opened the "football thread" which is indirectly meant for Arsenal fans and now this....aiyo yo
Hahaha. There's power in openness, see. Now next time all the Gooners come over to the Utd threads, we can officially tell them to fark off to their own thread.:p
what happen to all the arsenal fans?all cringed in fear cause they drew with villa and man utd is creeping up their ass?arsenal were 5 points clear and they f**ked it up.woohoo!

sorry fgl bro.had to do it.sometimes you have to look at it as karma.haha.
Bash can but do note this first..

alamak u guys are too slow la, FGL opened up the unofficial Arsenal thread long ago even before this forum format was even updated.(2 years back?)Then the manures and the rest kept bitching till the point that FGL had to change the title to something more neutral for you whiners.

Update urself abit first la aiyo
Bash can but do note this first..

alamak u guys are too slow la, FGL opened up the unofficial Arsenal thread long ago even before this forum format was even updated.(2 years back?)Then the manures and the rest kept bitching till the point that FGL had to change the title to something more neutral for you whiners.

Update urself abit first la aiyo

Snuffs - you tell like it is bro ..... ;) The football thread was opened up in Feb 2006 - this is volume II now after the first thread hit 500 pages and had to be closed due to bandwidth issues. Here's the original thread: In fact, there was never any bashing till some other "fans" started the whole ball rolling you can see from the first few pages .... if you all have the time - it makes really interesting reading.

Thanks ppl but I dont need an AFC thread - I'm happy to post in the football thread as is. However, I like to banter in the other threads too coz everything is so diversified now with various multi team threads - some of which have already died natural deaths. By the way, looks like you guys should have named this thread "The AntiArsenal thread".

Tell U what, if U all really feel that strongly - start a new petition : "Should fgl stay off the Man U thread?" .... if the right numbers come in - I will stay off the Man U thread for good then ... and any other footy thread for that matter in case some of you "switch teams" like our bro here who swopped Spurs for Man u.

How, sounds good? :mrgreen:
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Snuffs - you tell like it is bro ..... ;) The football thread was opened up in Feb 2006 - this is volume II now after the first thread hit 500 pages and had to be closed due to bandwidth issues. Here's the original thread: In fact, there was never any bashing till some other "fans" started the whole ball rolling you can see from the first few pages .... if you all have the time - it makes really interesting reading.

Thanks ppl but I dont need an AFC thread - I'm happy to post in the football thread as is. However, I like to banter in the other threads too coz everything is so diversified now with various multi team threads - some of which have already died natural deaths. By the way, looks like you guys should have named this thread "The AntiArsenal thread".

Tell U what, if U all really feel that strongly - start a new petition : "Should fgl stay off the Man U thread?" .... if the right numbers come in - I will stay off the Man U thread for good then ... and any other footy thread for that matter in case some of you "switch teams" like our bro here who swopped Spurs for Man u.

How, sounds good? :mrgreen:

+1pts to you man bro FGL ha ha ha well said !!!
Juzt wondering why must we bash up other clubs and what do u earn by bashibg up other football club ??? Money ??? Does the clubs knows that you help them to bash up other's club and thanks you for that ???

If anyone like bashing up of clubs why don't you set up your own football team (i mean like sunday football game) and have fun with other teams ,well at least u live in reality =)

Peace in football and Rock on !!!
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just pray that never happens.but if it ever does then he is using his authorities in the wrong way.
I honestly dont know why you ALL are bringing this up HERE and saying such things about me.

If I were the MOD - I would know MY responsibilities...okay?
True blue Gooner reporting ! :D

Been a follower of the Arsenal way since 1996, when I was 13 and just getting into football properly. I'd followed the exploits of the Dutch team, and in particular, Dennis Bergkamp through Euro '96 and followed DB10 to Arsenal. Ajax was my favourite team for a couple of years before that...I love Dutch football !

Been through it all - the highs, the lows, the legends, the departures, the invincibles - everything; and let me just state, for the record, that if I wanted a team that just won titles and had a drone-like following around the world, I'd be a Manc :p but for me, it's the style, the flair, and the manner of playing, always attacking, that draws me to the Wenger way ! I'd be more upset if the style of play changed than if we didn't win a couple of trophies.

Of course, ideally, I'd like both !

My thoughts on the Wigan game though :

Yesterday will be remembered as the day we lost the league to United. The sad part being we didn't even play that badly. The pitch was lovelovelovelovelovelovelove awful, and let me just say beforehand that this is in no way an excuse; we knew that the pitch at the JJB was bad, we should've been prepared for it. Having said that, nothing could've prepared us for that abomination of a cowpatch. For the kind of game that we play, which is mostly along the ground, this pitch was an absolute nightmare.

Oh, and i ^&(&^*^ hate Emile Heskey ! :x Last time he played us, the fat oaf recklessly lunged at Hleb and put him out for a while. Now, he might have aggravated Gallas' old ankle fracture, going by reports.

The title is now United's to lose. I predicted Manyoo to lift the league pre-season, but said that we'd be close, which is exactly what has happened. It's just that being so close, yet so far, is agonizing ! If both teams win all their games in hand, the title will be decided when we visit that's what I call a great finish to the season.

But knowing our luck, we'll probably only win half our games, gifting the title to United...following which we will get agonizingly close to the CL, only to lose it again :(

Yup, it's one of those seasons.

Honestly we're all biased (Arsenal fans) and other than Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney I think no Man U player is fit to put on the Arsenal shirt (Read: BIASED =D) And from Chelsea probably only Petr Cech!

Okay... that said, I hope Arsenal can be lucky enough to win the EPL after throwing so many games away. But that's what we've gotten used to after 4 straight years of throwing matches away because nobody dares to shoot...

Yes, I salute all Arsenal fans and myself for sticking through full 90 minutes of abusing the ball and scaring defenders but never scoring.

disappointing to watch the game with boro.why can`t they just shoot on sight sometimes instead of playing sexy football.i love the way they play but damm,they need to be ruthless when in front of goals.
this weekend is against Chelsea ..i`m praying they don`t screw up again or the title hopes will have to wait..

well in ay case,this is the team that i love and have been a loyal fan of the past 16 years...
