:arrow: Video Lesson 1 by Me


New member
Hey guys,
I've done up a nifty video of 5 licks/exercises that I frequently use. Plus I've tabbed them all out too so yeah.. check it out.

Video Lesson 1

Lick 1 - Tapping

Here's a simple tapping lick to get newbies started off. Its based on the Am Pentatonic pattern except for that one B note there.

To start off, every note on a new string is tapping with the fretting hand and every note that the 12th fret is tapped with the picking hand. There are NO picked notes. Thing is, powertab isn't as good as GuitarPro. :(

Anyway, the key to this lick is proper muting, a steady tempo and evenly tapped notes.

Mute the strings thats under your fretting finger with the same fingers/hand and mute all strings thats above it with the picking hand. Start slow and steady, otherwise you'll sound very uncontrolled. Many ppl have problems with the little finger so watch that finger and make sure every note is of equal volume.

Lick 2 - Lame assed Sweeping

Yeah well, I got this idea from Mattias Elkundh and man, I love it. :) Anyway, the key to this sweep is to play it as smoothly as possible, making sure the repeated notes ring out clear. Make sure you do a clean sweep down then up, repeating the first and last notes. This lick can be expanded to some of the most mind boggling sounding arppegios. Oh yeah... and go figure what I played after that. 8)

Lick 3 - Easy impressive shred lick

Here's a lick thats simple but sure to impress. Its based on the G/Em Pentatonic scale and just uses a lot of passing chromatic notes to fill up the gaps and give me more notes. Use whatever picking style you prefer; I prefer economy picking, and watch the position shifts... Either slide like how I do it, or shift you hand fast enough to maintain a fluid run.

Note the use of G Lydian/Em Dorian nearing the end of the lick.

Lick 4 - Pentatonic String Skipping

Here's a simple way to spice up the old A minor Pentatonic 5th position pattern. Using some string skipping, the scale now sounds refreshed!

Be as clean as possible as you skip over strings, if you find yourself constantly hitting the skipped string, its time to slow it down. Again, watch your pinky here when it does the hammer-ons/pull-offs because you want to maintain a steady volume. When you can do the above cleanly, try adding some palm mutes to make the lick rock even harder... Also, watch the bend at the end...

Lick 5 - The Pinky Workout

Here's a simple shifting pattern that in the C major scale. Note that you will be descending diatonically. Now, this is the workout for your pinky, you must ensure even volume throughout the lick and yes, use your pinky throughout the exercise.

Have fun guys! :)
I've discovered my new guitar hero, seriously :lol:

First he teach me to clean and restring on floyd bridge, and now teaching me cool guitar technique, all without physical contact and fees :lol:

Kudos for you ShredCow!
Black and white because I was thinking that the berms I was wearing, really looked like boxers so... yeah... 8)

Well popeye, you want me to charge eh? ;)
thanks a bunch!! i've been looking for some good exercises to do in E. all i've been practising recently are metalcore-influenced alt picking exercises in drop D.

WOWEEEEEEEEEEEE~~!!! I LOVE YOUR STYLEE~!!! Your fingers are like "neat" throught the playing and ur notes are fretted perfectly. the guitar frets really match ur fingers.fits perfectly.
Haha.. Ok i dunt think ull understand me. :?
Well Wizard, that's one thing I actually had discipline for! Putting my fingers where they should be... I told myself to always always put my fingers just behind the fret without touching it to eliminate buzz and muting the string... so yeah, I guess that paid off after a couple of years. :)
Great work Dan! Shredcow's secrets are revealed hahaha. maybe I'll put up some picking exercises one of these days...