:arrow: Music For Good benefit compilation album


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Music For Good benefit album compilation

Music For Good (www.musicforgood.org) and Aging Youth Records (www.agingyouth.com) will be collaborating on a CD compilation, For Good! amassing Singaporean acts under an umbrella to raise funds for Music For Good, a charity organisation dedicated to using music as a delivery channel to help its constituents. The proceeds will be channelled to fund MFG’s youth outreach programs.
We will like to invite your band to partake in this CD compilation. We hope to galvanise Singapore bands to help out cancer-stricken youths and youths-at-risk through this effort.


a) To raise funds for Music For Good.
b) To increase awareness of Music For Good and its programs.


a) If your band is interested to participate in this, your band should donate a unique track to the compilation. The track cannot be found on any existing album or was previously released as a free download. If your band wishes to use this track on an upcoming album, please ensure the album would be released no earlier than 2 months after the release of the compilation. Please understand this will increase the value of the compilation.

b) The track your band contributes shall strictly be used for this specific compilation.

c) If your band is interested to participate in this, please bear in mind all costs involved in the production of the track shall be born by your band.

d) The creative rights of the track are owned by the composer of the song, not Aging Youth Records or Music For Good.

e) Music For Good and Aging Youth Records will arrange for the mastering and pressing of the album. Such production costs will not be born by your band. We will be finalising the mastering engineer and studio within the next week.

f) Each individual member of your band will get a copy of the compilation.

g) The compilation will be distributed by Aging Youth Records and will be stocked in major music retail shops and other alternative outlets.

h) All proceeds will go to Music For Good to fund its programs and operational costs.

Submission criteria:

a) Submission of the track for consideration should be done via a mp3 of 128kbp and over YouSendIt.com. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT send the mp3 to our e-mail address: enquiries AT agingyouth DOT com. Just e-mail us the YouSendIt.com link.

b) Final submission of the fully mixed track should be done in .wav format by Friday 24 March 2006. There will be no extension of the deadline. We will be mastering the compilation in the last week of March. We apologise for the lack of time. But being the Singaporeans we are, we’d like to maximize the value of the compilation and we found out that there’s still some space left in the CD. So, we’d like to squeeze some more music into the compilation.

c) Please note that Aging Youth Records and Music For Good have the rights of refusal to use the submitted track.

d) Please include your contact number within the e-mail.

e) Please note that if you are submitting a remix, please send us the original track as well via YouSendIt.com

Bands in the compilation:

The order in the list does not reflect the final listing or track sequence on the album.

1. The Observatory
2. Phorous
4. B-Quartet
5. Astreal
6. Electrico
7. Lunarin
8. Ugly In The Morning
9. Typewriter
10. Camra
11. The Love Experiment
12. Serenaide
13. Stoned Revivals
14. Documentary In Amber
bro bro... this one is great bro... I love the lineup bro!

hey where are the bands here bro? they don't wanna join the compilation meh? 8)

chance of a lifetime!!!!!
so this is the compilation that you were telling me about?

i can't wait for the release!!!!

must keep me updated on that orite!

Yes please. Thank you.

So sorry about the lack of time. Submission of the final mix is next Friday. We are shipping/flying the album out for mastering the following Tuesday.
u take em in DAT format?? - I got a whole bunch org tunes (fully finished , mixed tunes) I rec some years back for various projects but all in DAT format with one of my agents - I cant seem to fine someone who can transfer em to CD format for me for cheap or free.

Hi all,

Closing date is this Friday. We've received quite a few submissions. Thanks!

We apologise for the mad rush. So sorry.
Edder, fu ck you and fu ck your kelong!!!

Can I go fishing on it?

No lah, we picked the bands which both organisations had the pleasure of working with. This is the major project for us this year. It's pretty exciting as there hasn't been a compilation for quite some time and it's helping Music For Good which is all cool.

Music For Good helps disadvantaged youths and youths-at-risk through their multitude of music programs. And they readily put up shows which quite a few bands in this forum have played in. Bands get paid whenever possible and treated very nicely as well. Plus the president of the charity, Patrick is the 1st generation of indie rockers in Singapore. How cool is that?