Are You A Purist?


New member
I would boldy say that theres alot in this forum. Topics ranging from musical instruments, music genre and even movies, there will always 1 or more purist to enter the conversation. So what's the purpose of this thread? This is the area where you can admit that you were or are one currently. And maybe put in a little reason for being so.

I wonder how interesting this thread can be.
I admit I used to be a Nu Metal purist. Saying that Nu Metal was THE Metal music. But that was when I was in my raging hormones stages. :lol:
Haha no story to share.

I just dun see the point of modding or upgrading your gear.

Not that i have the money to start off with :?

I think i have totally lost the GAS in me.

Those who drink beer with ice might as well drink Jolly Shandy and say they're drunk on their 3rd sip!
i believe u caught on the hard gay fad a tad too late bro.

