If you're the open minded type, you can see that they're linked to Ancient Sumerian god worshipping.
ET civilization has visited us thousands of years in the past and they're the basis for many mainstream religion nowadays.
Most organized religion have traces/root back to Sumeria.
The 'GOD' that most organized religion worship nowadays are nothing more than sadistic cruel egoistic GOD which they claim to be omnipotent.
Read up on ENKI and ENLIL.
Most religion nowadays are derivative of ENLIL clan.
Therefore they demonize ENKI and accuse all those who do not believe in religions that worship 'ENLIL' as LUCIFERIANS, SATANISTS.
Non-believers of organized religion are often demonized as Satanists who will burn in HELL. How many times have you gotten that flak from Christians or dismissed as Kafir/Infidel by Muslims ?
The fact is many organized religion followers do not realized they've been deceived for thousands of years, worshipping egoistic cruel ETs as Gods.
I know I am going to get bombed for this, but this is the main reason I despise all organized religion, from Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Frequent conversations with these religious people of Sumerian gods heritage exposes how spiritually decayed, ignorant and arrogant they are.
Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and to a certain extent deviant/modern Hinduism and Buddhism have traces/roots influence that goes back to Sumeria or have been corrupted to a certain point by the 'brotherhood'
The biggest lie towards mankind is the spiritual evolution interference by 'religion' perpetrated by ancient astronauts.
Therefore, it is inevitable that for mankind to spiritually evolve and stop all wars eventually, all forms of organized religion, must be abolished.
Beware of these mortal 'gods' for they're not gods but greatest deceivers of mankind.
I urge you all to read about 'The Gods of Eden'
You can download the book here
The salvation of humanity lies on the end of all forms of organized religious worshipping.