Appreciation Thread to Sub


New member
Juz wana thank Sub for providing so much info 4 the SL Sale...even though he is not getting paid but yet he is still so helpful :)

Kudos to him

gee... this is really unnecessary.

as long as you continue to be my friends, i know you appreciate what i'm doing even if you remain silent about it.
Not only for SL Sale, sub's willingness to lend the local musicians a hand is commendable. Reviews, recommendations & whatnots.......your efforts are truly appreciated by all, if not most of us! :D
Sub rocks.

Thanks to him, I now own a Korina Explorer. :D

I hope the other two guys who wanted an Explorer got their's too.

EDIT: Btw, where you there, sub?
alot of guitars were taken up.. awesome sale & people + a good guitar advisor - SUB..

one day, we shalt treat him to a feast at SUBway!!
itchy_go said:
EDIT: Btw, where you there, sub?

yes i was- very late, sun set already...

what was i wearing? white top + black jeans.

for subsequent swee lee sales (hope there are more to come), hope interested SOFTies can meet up & we can do Q&A @ BB showroom :smt115 subject to swee lee's permission of course...

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