Anyone know how I can get John Frusciante's tone?


New member
i'm currently using a Fender 62 reissue strat with texas specials and a Vox AC4TV.

what pedals does he use?

especially that fuzzy distortion sound he has in most of his solos!
what wah pedal does he use?
I have a Budda Wah but it doesn't go well with distortion at all.

need some help here!
np man.
but just a disclaimer here..dont expect to get his exact tone just by using the same gear as him.
i'm using the a 62 strat too, but mines with the standard pickups.

john places his DS2 before the wah pedal to get a rather fiery wah sound.

Ibanez has reissued the WH10 wah

Some of the fuzzy tones you hear is actually just a DS2. He rarely use the big muff live.

And, john's 62 strat is the one with standard pickups not the texas ones
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wck ->

haha yeah I don't think i`ll come close with my ac4tv.

hifi ->

yeah I'm aware of that. do you mean this ? ds2 > wah > guitar
hahaha the ibanez wah turns me off. i hate trebly wahs. D:
how will it affect the tone ?
as in guitar > ds2 > wah

theres a mxr microamp somewhere before the wah too, its always on.

It will make the the wah very throaty, very fiery, like the outro of dani california
as in guitar > ds2 > wah

theres a mxr microamp somewhere before the wah too, its always on.

It will make the the wah very throaty, very fiery, like the outro of dani california

yup he puts all his od/dist bef the wah.
yeah the wah becomes more defined imo so your wah will sound better after the od/dist. thats what i think anw..