Anyone. Help! (Sound Question)


New member

I saw this vid. Dan I heard the bassist Billy Cox. and I fell in love with the sound. Im sort of a blues player. Thou i will not bite on that. So was wondering if anyone could tell me hw i could get tis type of sound on my bass. Is It the way i play? or using a bass eq or limiter will help? Do correct me if i'm wrong or watever stuff i say to make myself look like a complete idiot. kind of a noob. Thanx.
nah, this ain't a noob question

as always, the rig plays a part. but for this one, i think the most important factor in his sound is the bass he uses


Billy Cox, legendary member of Jimi Hendrix's Band of Gypsys and Gypsy Suns and Rainbows has joined the Cort family. Billy has designed his Freedom Bass. A reversed "P" bass and "J" bass hybrid with active to passive control, stacked volume and tone knobs and a 24 fret full access neck joint, to his specifications.

i'm guessing he uses all 3 pickups to create such a thick sound. if you're serious about replicating his tone, then maybe you could try upgrading the pups to triple coils. not too sure though

if you want to imitate it, maybe you could roll the tone off, boost the bass and a bit of low mids, cut the high mids and treble. heavy compression
interesting bass, but that sounds like a normal tone to me? :confused:

watching the vid otoh makes me curious how to play & not droping the ash for so long.. hehe
Hey Shinobi Bro.
Thanx so much for the info. Bt i use a shit ass 'p' bass. and working on a tight budget. Any other way i can replicate his type of tone? other dan changing my rig? like using pedals? cause was toying with the thot of using pedals. Thanx so much.
maybe you can try heavy compression, something that cuts the attack very quickly. mxr dynacomp or super comp might be good places to start. but of course, try to see which suits your taste