Anyone came across this blog?

but we do see some fellow softies who owns fake guitars and selling it at a cut off price at the buy/sell section.

does it considered illegal too ?

and how abt J. Suzuki, TGM, Shine, they do make Les Pauls too. arent Les Pauls the trademark and copyright of Gibson ?

i think it's a very subjective and debatable topic here.
i'm very neutral abt it.

and your words is pretty hostile to me.
i meant no harm.

maybe he did the wrong thing by using Soft as an advertising medium.
i think just let it pass.
future softies who wants to do the same should think twice after reading this thread.

peace ~
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next time when see people selling something shiok at the side of the road, we better diam diam buy and run, dont turn back to look and go straight home, not go round market place tell everyone that this side road got sell thing, shiok shiok..
Haha, yeah thats wht i tot too...non-authentic = fake.

Look if it is non-authentic, then y bother with putting on copyrighted material and risk getting into trouble.

Just create copy guitars, change a bit here and there and call it an authentic non-authentic.....damn i'm confusing myself.

Quote - "Beware! Be prepared to pay 50% or even lesser than the original retail price!"

Honestly, i'd rather pay for a no name brand with the same quality materials than a "non-authentic" with a fender logo but marked up becos of that.
next time when see people selling something shiok at the side of the road, we better diam diam buy and run, dont turn back to look and go straight home, not go round market place tell everyone that this side road got sell thing, shiok shiok..

haha, true. but some people got aunties' mouth. then after 2 weeks, the shop gone.

like last time pirated games. :mrgreen:
Just create copy guitars, change a bit here and there and call it an authentic non-authentic.....damn i'm confusing myself

i think non-authentic=fake=imitation=exactly the same=whatever ~

then copy+replica=look somewhat the same but different name & brand.

haha, does it sound correct and clear ?
Yes, selling a fake guitar is an offence. There's no debate about that.

Furthermore, selling a fake guitar regardless of price, and trying to pass it off as genuine is what the penal code would define as "cheating".

What you've confused yourself with about TGMs, Shines, Suzukis... and whatever other brand that's out there making guitars similar to Les Pauls, Tele's, Strats, Jazz's would be something that's covered under "Registered designs".

As long as you're making something similar to any design that's been registered, you're liable to have your @ss sued off by the company that owns those designs.
okay, fine, perhaps it is my ignorance then.
u know and understand the law.
i shall offer my apologies to u then.
sorry, cherns.

but one thing's for sure, he did not pass it off as genuine. that's honesty. =P <-- cheeky; i know.
I would like to offer my sincere apologies here. Hope to see the arguments stop. I shall not step into Soft again.

Hi everyone, as can be seen here, and it's forumers here does not support the promoting of Non-Genuine or Imitation Goods of any kind (say about Musical Instruments here) ..... this (We At Soft's) are really proud of our community - that's only being ethically right.

t-guitar had also offered his apologies to everyone we let the matter rest now.

t-guitar: - it is only a matter of time that you would get into trouble, if you continue to market/sell these imitation products especially here, at least it's good that - now, through, you are aware of the situation and feedback from the masses here and how most Musician here feels towards your product. But do continue to visit us here if as and when ... at anytime, but just bear in mind "One Of The Don't's Here" - - "No Advertising/Disseminating Of Any Info to the sales of ANY Imitation product here." Thank You !

I shall not step into Soft again.
I hope so, for the sake of everyone here. Your "business" is no different from that bazaar-of-china site - selling illegal and counterfeit BS stuff. Even pasar malam are cutting down on fakes now due to crackdowns.

Can you imagine if one day the secondary market like SOFT's sell/buy section is flooded with these fakes? Many people will be scammed, like buying a fake thinking it is genuine. And not everyone will be honest enough to declare their items are fakes. Sometimes the seller don't even know it themselves, let alone the buyer. And subsequently, the fakes are "passed" from one person to the another. Overall, this will cause lots of resentment, suspicion and loss of trust among buyers and sellers. Even if 10% of the selling items are fakes are enough to cause lots of problems already. Can you imagine you are selling a genuine used Fender, and nobody trusted you because you don't have a certificate to proof it is not fake? Would you like to trade under such an environment?

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