Anyone a Whitesnake Fan?

'Bands of today can't be compared to the rock bands of the 80's' is true, due to the atmosphere of global rock is different.
I fully agree with Lovehurts. There's that unique magic ingredient of the music of yesteryears that today's music don't have.
I fully agree with Lovehurts. There's that unique magic ingredient of the music of yesteryears that today's music don't have.

I'm glad you agree. Yeah, i love those bands namely Whitesnake, Poison, Def Leppard, Skidrow, Cinderella, Europe, Damn Yankees, Bad Company, White Lion...etc...Really solid bands, with phenomenal vocalists. My kinda music/band :cool:
Well, gald to see you guys into classic rock! Now, the next thing would be how to get someone to actually bring Whitesnake or the aforementioned bands to come to Singapore.. I would really love to see Whitesnake, and Cinderella.. not sure if Tom Keifer still can pull the high notes..

I can just imagine Tom Keifer @ Fort Canning... "Let me see your hands.. Nobody's Fool, Nobody's Fool...."

And of course, David Coverdale cajoling us to do a local karaoke of "Give me all your love tonight... give me all your love tonight.."

If I do see this 2 bands here in Singapore, I will really die without any regrets..

Please, anyone who can bring them in?? I am sure a lot of SOFTies will support...
No, not yet. Coverdale and company might not be here yet, but we all can hope. So far, last count we got about 15 pple here.. we need more support, man, to show that there is by far, more Whitesnake fans in Singapore, so that someone can bring them here!
Must start a "REQUEST/PETITION FOR BANDS" sticky thread under the "Gig/Concert" section. Once we have xxx numbers, we can spread it to other local music website/blogspot/MSN/chatrooms and from there we can direct it to concert promoters. Hell yeah....we can even forward it to Members of Parliment for additional support; citing healthy family bonding sessions :) \m/

PS. Right now have to be contented watching Whitesnake DVD only :(
Must start a "REQUEST/PETITION FOR BANDS" sticky thread under the "Gig/Concert" section. Once we have xxx numbers, we can spread it to other local music website/blogspot/MSN/chatrooms and from there we can direct it to concert promoters. Hell yeah....we can even forward it to Members of Parliment for additional support; citing healthy family bonding sessions :) \m/

PS. Right now have to be contented watching Whitesnake DVD only :(

O.o where can you get a whitesnake DVD HMV??? I watch online Laggy streams on youtube, Myspace Vids =)
Well, I got both my Whitesnake "Live at Seibu Tokyo" the one with John Sykes, and :Live in the still of the Night" from Sembawang Music Center, and I got it during the 50% sale. Good stuff. The Still of the Night comes with a CD too.. too bad, it doesn;t have Cryin in the rain, and Bad Boys in the CD.. but still its.. Whitesnake! Yeah man, Reb Beach looks darn cool..

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