Seriously, i am not targeting you or what. If you don't want to reply to the threads you made earlier on, why are you starting more and more threads when you yourself is ignoring the mess you made. It's like everyone is replying to your thread, and because of the dissing, you ignore the replies. This is very disrespectful from my point of view. Can you even reply or something. You ignored all the replies and kept on starting threads. There's nothing wrong with starting threads. But it is really very disrespectful to ignore those replies just because they are negative. Have the courage man.. you will just look like a coward if you ignore all those replies and pretend to not see anything. I know coward is a strong word. But it's the most suitable word to describe people with such actions.
you talk about respect. will you respect anyone who shows you disrespect? will you? tell you what, i'm ignoring the flames precisely because i respect james. they can throw all the flames they want, but as long as i do not reply in kind, there will be no flame fest and soft can function normally. they can continue their flames, i won't care. and since my threads are already ruined by the threadspoilers, is there a point in even carrying on any discussion? why should i even reply then. this is a (primarily) music forum, let's not turn it into a flame forum. posts that are irrelevant don't deserve replies.
serious why do you even want me to reply to the flamers. i know you have your own run ins with some of the same old "clique" of flamers, you want me to reply (flame) while you sit back and watch me "get back some" for u huh. talk about cowardice? aren't you exhibiting cowardice by joining the people who whacked u before, by posting on their side making snide remarks on the "public enemy"? trying to gain acceptance or what? is it not cowardice to "psycho" me to flame them for u? in case you are wondering, i'm not flaming you, i'm imploring you to actually think. i'm entitled to ignore whoever i choose to. and trying to get into the good books of people who dislike/show disrespect to you is cowardly and being disrespectful to yourself. think about it before you throw big words like "respect" and "coward" around.
talk about cowardice, how about 1 smart alec starting the flames and then the whole clique joins in to chip in their "valuable comments"? all against 1 fellow softie? and while i'm at it, have you ever noticed that it's always the same old few softies always talking crap, sucking each other up and ganging up to flame others? no names mentioned.
this kinda childish flaming has been going on for sometime, even before they recently started to flame me. i often see the same people ridiculing other softies who started threads with genuine questions about gear and the like. making snide remarks such as "/facepalm", "bold fail" and many other "creative" stuff. making snide remarks and having a "good time" ridiculing other softies. is this juvenile fun? are kids nowadays so deprived of good old healthy fun that they have to rely on this kinda cheap "thrills"? it's said that people who enjoy putting others down suffer from low self esteem, and bullies are cowards. so what are softies who like to gang up to flame other lone softies? maybe we should just extend our sympathy to them eh, cos they are just doing it to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives
soft forums was much friendlier. why all the flames and hostility now? aren't musicians supposed to be more peace loving? why should a small vocal minority of flamers set the forums on fire?
on the subject of me always starting polls. ok, look at it this way:
there's only 3 ways in which you can post.
1. start a thread.
2. start a thread with a poll.
3. post in reply to a thread.
so i have a tendency to do number 2 (start a thread with a poll). the polls that i have started are all in good fun and healthy. why should anyone even feel bothered? i don't understand, seriously. i do think it is unhealthy for people to do number 3 (post in reply to a thread) post snide remarks, flames, irrelevant posts to the thread etc. compare what i do with what flamers do, what's acceptable and what's not? are certain people's logic skewed? and seriously, what's up with the "lock thread, delete" shit that is going on? just because 1 particular softie don't like whatever he sees, he goes around posting such a nonsensical 1 liner? while i'm at it, to this particular softie, you said you talked to me "nicely" about my tendency to create polls and i reacted like i wanted to "kill" you. you sure exagerrate, don't you? you were like "EEEYEERRR why you so free create so many polls". you call that nice? is it nice if i go "EEEEYYEEERRR why you so free go around say lock thread, delete like a parrot"? or "EEEYYEEERR why all your posts so illogical and flamey"? or "EEEYYYEEERR why you so free post so many posts in soft?" and i merely replied to you and 2 others in that thread that you guys are smart alecs, so don't you think you are exagerrating things? and you know what, you replied that my poll starting habit is akin to the super massive spams. i actually let it slide and didn't reply anymore, despite how ridiculous you were. then now you, and the other same old flamers, had to join in to flame me in this latest episode. and some irrelevant people also had to join in the fun. perfect example of the herd mentality. 1 guy starts something, his friends/allies/whatever join in, it sets the tone for the rest of the thread, then seemingly everybody wants to chip in, and nobody bothers to reply properly anymore.
then we have a hotshot flamer telling me to go for GRAMMAR classes because he THINKS that i am bad at PRONUNCIATION. dude (no pun intended here), you have no idea how stupid you made yourself look. go think about it seriously for a minute. and i'm not even talking about you mis-spelling the word GRAMMAR. it's GRAMMAR, not GRAMMER.
i understand soft is a big community and the noise of a small vocal minority of flamers should not be taken as representative of the whole soft population. i just choose to let them be, and believe that the majority of softies are sensible people who just don't post or reply to silly flames. to preserve peace, it's either this, or the militant way of banning all flamers who have a penchant in going around threads to post their snide remarks and flames to spoil other people's threads, which is not my call.
and yeah, i just had 4 juveniles deduct my reputation points, and an overgrown baby gloat publicly about my reputation points being deducted. i feel sad for them. this is not a popularity contest so i can't be arsed about it. but obviously the 4 of them care about it so much they had to deduct my points. for what? cos i started a poll about how to pronounce "dimebag". are the 4 of you and the rest of the flamers dim? DEEM??? (excuse the pun). go on and add reputation points to each other for your glorious flaming. continue to suck up to each other, i hope you guys grow out of it 1 day.
the how to pronounce dimebag thread, the flamers who claim that the pronunciation is "so obvious"... i have my doubts as to whether they really do know how to pronounce it correctly in the 1st place. even if they do, they are still lacking in humility. why diss others for wrong pronunciation when you are lacking in more important attributes? seems like they are "aiya, dimebag? it's dimebag lar! like that you also duno? STUPID!". they don't tell you how to pronounce it, is it DEEM or DYE-M? maybe they don't even have a clue. i'll say probably they don't have a clue at all, because the word "dime" is not commonly used in singapore, as dimes, a coin denomination in another country, are not used here
some dim kids in soft like to zap rep pts cos they deem it to be some childish popularity contest. sadly, they are a dime a dozen
1 guy start deducting rep points, the rest follow, another good example of the herd mentality.
james, i'm not flaming. if i come across as i am, i'm sorry. and this will be my last reply/post to this subject (of the recent flames targeted at me).