Any soccer girls here?

hey there! im not in soccer. but basically i play soccer everyday during recess time in school. haha. I think while playing soccer, its fun if u dont train. cause when training comes, u gotta do all the runs and train ur stamina up. For girls u cant chest the ball though. I MEAN IF U WANT TO GO AHEAD just note the consequences;)
i use to play in the girls soccer team...but i quit half way cause one of the girl want me to be her girlfriend. (if u know what i mean) yuck!
i use to play in the girls soccer team...but i quit half way cause one of the girl want me to be her girlfriend. (if u know what i mean) yuck!

Oh.......dun say it...........makes me wanna puke.

Wylde, that post made me laugh hysterical for some reason. U ARE ONE SICK BOY! Now go to ur room and kneel down for an hour. Haha:mrgreen:
used to play soccer with the guys as goalie or defender.
im actually a basketballer so high balls are freekill :D
can't dive though goes against my instincts!
I used to play on my school's team as a defender :] the only reason I quit was because I didnt have time to - other sports/school work/music took up too much time so I had to give it up. It's great for keeping fit and it's really fun; go for it!
haha the consequences are... that a lady gets really flat and she experiences pain. Clear enough? need me to go further? haha.
yesyes i need. ok i kidd.

my old schoolmate was in the singapore team under 16. too pro for the guys already. she chested(or errr....) a high ball from one end and lobbed the keeper to score at the other end of the STREET SOCCER COURT. ok maybe the keeper sucked or whatever. but she's pro alright.
At least when babes get rembat in the groin it wouldnt hurt as much as when guys kena :???:
Hahaha I played for my sec school team for 3 years.
Quit during O levels last year and left nationals cause couldn't get along
with them and..the girls,who were constantly making out in the toilet freaked me out.

Stupid reason,but I'm glad I did.Hahaha.
haha the consequences are... that a lady gets really flat and she experiences pain. Clear enough? need me to go further? haha.

what if a fat man has man-boobs and chest the football everytime he plays??would his chest be flat?haha....

ladies can always use this to protect the goods..

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Hahaha I played for my sec school team for 3 years.
Quit during O levels last year and left nationals cause couldn't get along
with them and..the girls,who were constantly making out in the toilet freaked me out.

Stupid reason,but I'm glad I did.Hahaha.

okay thats something new.... :twisted:
Hahaha I played for my sec school team for 3 years.
Quit during O levels last year and left nationals cause couldn't get along
with them and..the girls,who were constantly making out in the toilet freaked me out.

Stupid reason,but I'm glad I did.Hahaha.

O: You were in the nationals? So pro.
correct me if im wrong, i think national under-16/19 girls aren't really, like the best among the other girls in singapore. I mean they're not usually the best few, definitely way better ones out there, just that they prefer to play with schools and club instead.

Like i know they hold trials and whatnot, and would literally accept any girls who can run and kick i guess. But hats off to them for their trainings man, i couldn't discipline and focus myself to continue the trainings with school and everything!

But for the senior team, national squad, definitely they're one of the best girls playing in singapore
Let's keep the thread clean and on topic. Dont want to see GUYS posting little comments here and there to make fun of the girls.