Any Singapore Shops that services Kaoss Pad installation??

Not really ripping off Matt's guitar and even if im gonna emulate his guitar, im emulating an uncommon guitar. Doesnt everyone get bored having the same guitar like others? So why not try a new stuff, a completely new stuff which im or you fond of. And what do you mean by you are bound to get bored with doing all the squeals for months, isnt it the same as having an electric guitar and playing it for months and months, or is that what you meant?
theres no point connecting just an x y pad to the guitar..

an xy pad does nothing at all. It will need to trigger a sound module or an effect in which its parameter can be mapped via midi to the xy pad. There will be need to be additional midi cable that need to link up the xy pad to the kp sound engine

theres a need to understand how those thing work or can be utilised in our own playing before spending the money and to realise that we have only 1 pair of hands.

Either it be playing the geetar or controlling the kp... its hard to do both at the same time

oh and if the music that you will be playing or doing aint exciting enough, even with a guitar having tons of circuit inside, there wont be anything unique anymore. The thing which make people remember is the quality of music, gear wise. Hehe, i guess nobody wanna be remembered with flashy gear, but the music is ordinary or worst still, suck donkey ballz..
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Yup Jeffery0603. It is a Mattocaster replica.
Its a Yamaha Pacifica 120S with the Matt's signature horn.

U don't need fuzz factory, KP2 or what not
to emulate like Matt Bellamy.
All u need is your creativity and lots of practice.
These things are damn expensive.

I have thoughts to put a Fuzz Factory in my next
Mattocaster but i am sticking to basics and install a
non-locking tremolo instead, like the Rust Manson.

BTW harizmaninchains, what guitar are u using?
The guitar damn solid. I got it here secondhand 2 years ago.
Replaced the stock pickup with Teslas and had a custom mirror
pickguard installed.

I just acquired another Pacifica secondhand recently
but its a Pacifica 120SJ.
Modifications are in the works.

Btw, do you know Matt Bellamy starts his career with Muse
using the Pacifica 120?

Here the video of him using one:
Sorry. I'm keeping both.
Getting the second Pacifica 120 took
me 2 years of waiting and searching in the
buy/sell section.

Not easy to find this kind of telecasters nowadays.
Unless u want to start from scractch.
Need $$$$ though.
I am so totally gonna search this forum for that guitar man. Then put in some new pickups. And i can rock out to MK ultra. LOL
Cool. An Uprising. Hahaz

U can try your luck bro. The nearest Pacifica tele
that i found recently is a Pacifica 102S.

Happy hunting!!!
kp installation is gonna require lots of $$ and the technical know-how. Its almost like becoming those robot guitars, totally a big turn off to me man. To me its like killing the guitar~:twisted:

A digitech whammy pedal is good enough for most of muse songs to emulate them:cool:
oh and if the music that you will be playing or doing aint exciting enough, even with a guitar having tons of circuit inside, there wont be anything unique anymore. The thing which make people remember is the quality of music, gear wise. Hehe, i guess nobody wanna be remembered with flashy gear, but the music is ordinary or worst still, suck donkey ballz..

guitar workshop does this mod. i tried one of theirs yesterday. crazy stuff.

but think of it. all the modding adds up to 1k. thats only for the kaoss pad alone. its a fun thing to mess with.
however, the mod isnt really that useful and practical unless your songs will use the kaoss most of the time.

still thinking of getting this mod too in the future. planning to also include such effects into my band's sound and all.

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