thats easy for you to say, but AANJ, if im not wrong, is patented(correct word?) by ibanez. So other companies cant anyhow copy the ibanez's design.
anyway, i wouldnt compare the existing ibanezs in swee lee with those of the LTDs in Davis. The LTDs Davis bring in are the crappy low end models, the lowest of the series. High end LTDs tho - say, take a Deluxe series M1000, which is a maple bodied, neckthru superstrat with original floyd and EMG active pickups and thin flat necks, now that would be soo much on par, or even better, when compared existing Ibanez axes in terms of quality, in general.
but thats just my 2 cents

ibanez fan(boys) dont kill me!! :lol: