Any arrangers/composers here? Use Korg NanoKey?


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Anyone here using Finale?

I'm about to buy the Korg NanoKey. Will I find any use for NanoControl and NanoPads? The 3 come in a bundled offer, but I can just buy the NanoKey alone.

By the way, anyone here composes?

Anyone here can't help but transcribe every song entering their ears? That is, reverse-engineer songs naturally and involuntarily? If enough of us come together, we might be able to figure out the science of what we do. We might even begin to come up with some theories, and perhaps be great composers together?

Once I get the NanoKey, I'm getting Finale. Then, I'll probably set up a website dishing out tons and tons of sheet music of every popular song out there. Anyone wants to join me?? :)

A note about the price of sheet music. It costs about $7.50 for a really really simple arrangement of some High School Musical song. Imagine if we give out really complete arrangements, not the dumbed down ones. I haven't seen such a website anywhere. Let's start one in this world, right here in Singapore! :)
i used all 3 with sonar and ableton, where the most useful one, imho are the nanokontrol and nanopad.

The nanokey is the weakest one among 3. It can be used like other midi keyboard controller, but the way which the key are attached to the device itself, is a bit weak in construction and unable to take too much force.

the other 2 are much sturdy in term of construction.

Anyway, all 3 are just midi devices(no sound), as long as you are familiar with midi and mapped the controls within the daw you are using or trigger the sound in any vsti, all 3 will have their own usage according to how you want them to work for you.

oh, and sheet music is cover under copyrights and distribution rights as well, distributing it freely and sharing, is the same as sharings music movies ETC onlines.. Heh, on personal level, i dont really care about what is right or wrong, but do know implications there might be, before going into it. Cover our own backside first, if doing the 'sharing is caring" way..
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i used all 3 with sonar and ableton, where the most useful one, imho are the nanokontrol and nanopad.

The nanokey is the weakest one among 3.
Do you enter notes into sheet music?

What about playing notes, chords, etc? You program the NanoPad to act like the NanoKey?

For me, I would be able to enter notes fastest with a piano-like device.

Anyway, all 3 are just midi devices(no sound), as long as you are familiar with midi and mapped the controls within the daw you are using or trigger the sound in any vsti, all 3 will have their own usage according to how you want them to work for you.
Gosh, what's a DAW and VSTI? Never mind, don't bother, I'll bore you to tears.

I've seen the NanoKey being used like a NanoPad. I guess that's what you mean by "all 3 will have their own usage according to how you want them to work for you".

I agree the NanoKey's keys look flimsy. It's how they're attached. I don't know how many "click clickety clicks" they can take before they drop off. Anyway, I'll only use them to enter notes into sheet music within Finale, not for fast runs in a performance on stage. They'll take a long time to wear out, the way I'll be using them. I hope.

NanoKey is certainly cheaper than the other 2.

Anyone actually uses NanoPad and NanoControl in Finale?
heh, for me, it didnt take too long for one of the key to drop out(within 1month of usage) and even though after fixing back, it wasnt the same before. It became easier for it to get loose again.

I use the nanokeys mainly just for portability and quick ideas when iam not at home(have another keyyboard controller for home). When i do used it, i dont do much difficult thing on it. The main bulk, still done within my daw using the piano roll screen and putting in midi notes etc. It might not be what you will be doing.

yup, the nanopad, with the korg editor, you can group midi notes together within 1 pad and when pressed, it will send out midi message to trigger chords within your vsti.

Iam not sure if you are familiar with midi, but do know that these controllers, they dont do sound and have no sound. What it does, just sending series of instructions to the softwares within our computer and when the softwares received these instruction, then the sound can be played/triggered, send to soudncard and heard by us.

for nanokontrol, usually people used it to control the play, stop, record arm, channel volume, channel mute etc function within the software for recording. Iam not sure how finale works, but as long as it can play back, record midi, etc, the nanokontrol can be assigned to used with the software

for nano pad, usully people used it to trigger samples, play live drum vsti, live manipulation of effect parameters etc. Again, what it can do, is up to the user to defined and assigned, via midi.

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