There's some wisdom in what James has said. However, You would like to check with your school FSV people and find the specs of the house PA/Loudspeakers/monitors.
Some schools havea tight budget for these kinda stuff so the equipment might not be able to handle concert volumes for the hall well.
Take for example, CJC... Everything is so freakin budget, my hall's 4 loudspeakers will peak even at puny volumes, it will never be able to handle a rock concert for 30 mins before blowing (as quoted by fellow FSV peeps). For our annual Rockefella concerts, we have to rent external instuments/amps as well as sound reinforcement (PA, 4 loudspeakers, 4 subwoofers and 3 monitors) cause our house shit is just crap. Even the sound engineers didn't want to connect and utilise the house PA for some sound reinforcement cause it wasn't worth the trouble.
One thing to note is, you can't judge a speaker's power by its size cause my sch auditorium's loudspeakers are definately not "small". and Bose's cute small speakers are definately not "weak".