Age classifications (groupings)


New member
I would like to suggest a more vibrant way of easy locatings of members according to age for the "musicians wanted" and "musicians available" sections. It would allow potential members to go straight to their preferred age range category and gives a nice grouping.Thanks.
Viruz,having been thru a few bands,i find dishonesty can comes along not only with Age but with Genres of music or even sex of the bandmembers Dont worry ok? leave it to fate, :wink:

Mingguan,so is Soft gonna do anything about it? i am sure 16 yrs old don't wanna do elvis or Clapton's blues right? so i am still hoping Soft do a bit of age groupings for convenience and professional standard's sake..hope it is workable.
i suggest that the person who is posting the ad to state clearly the details in order to attract the right people.
haricane said:
i am sure 16 yrs old don't wanna do elvis or Clapton's blues right?

I don't think that's totally true. There are always exceptions, if we catgorize genres according to age groups in the musicians wanted/available forums then it'll put the minority in that age group at a disadvantage. After all, aren't we all just learners? It's all about experience anyway.
:!: :!: :!: :!: We have a winner :!: :!: :!: :!:

But really,the idea of age/gender/genre/watever....IS CRAP :evil:
Sorry for that. 8)
Really..... :?

I think best stick with system now...Just type your title at the subject and details in the post clearly shld be alright.. :wink:
ok,then let it be continued,but Viruz are u sure amanda is a winner? i feel Soft has a more complete answer to my request.