Aftermath , Swee Lee sale.

haha yeah that's one thing which always bother me when i leave my bag in the FRONT

if i see any guitar lying around, i will just take and leave :lol:
my goodness that is such a super killer sick kit you got there...

how do the roto-toms sound?

PS: Your poor fishes... right next to the kit.
so jealous man!!is the sale still on?? i came by on saturday and most of the cool guitars were gone. probably in ur hands right now :P
Stillborn said:
bridge is fixed, neck-thru n string-thru sustain..

Nice mate.
I dig the gold hardware, complements the finish well.
All I have to say is, it looks GRAND. 8O
What pickups are on it?
yeah man... to be honest, i got the guitar partly cuz of the looks... theres probably were guitars left on sat in the glass room tt played better... but this is juz killer...

anyway it has seymour duncan JBs... wat did the rest of u guys get for urselfs @ the sale?

anyone got the gibsons? all the LPs were gone when i arrived on sat afternoon...
spikes said:
shane, were you the on carrying the whole lot of toms and taking a cab?

Yeah! Haha, with my bassist there helping me carry all the junk? That's me alright. :lol:
I went down to Swee Lee today after the sale (monday). The place looks like my toilet, very clean and nobody. Ok jokes aside, I was actually hoping to see if they re-stocked anything. Well, apparently they didnt even move - too stunned by the onslaught of GASsers...
haha. i went too. also cos i needed a trip to Guitar Workshop.

relax. the new goods should come in soon yea? :)