Aftermath , Swee Lee sale.

BlackMoo said:
Many today walked off walking on sunshine if you know what I mean. Others, head shaking in disbelief and regret. I was almost the latter.

i was almost the latter too...
ha... still not ended yet... 2 more hours

if u're still sitting here pondering what to get, go for these 2:

Dimarzio PUs (50%) off. About 80+ to 90 per piece.
Joe Perry Boneyard. 900. Someone already snatched the 3 SuperDistortion, Ace Frehley Epi.

The latter might be gone by now thou...
The Joe Perry les paul is still there........ Don't think anyone bought it....

I was thinking of getting a set of Dimarzios but I didn't know which pair were good and I didn't have enough money then.... :cry:
Haha I was looking at a more smooth sound for the neck, eyeing the SD Alnico Pro II at the moment.

Oh btw I think I bought the DS-2 from your band's guitarist, weizhong :lol:
Hmmz one concern i had was when we had to put any of our bags at the counter. I mean its like so easy for anyone to walk away with our bags. Maybe in the future some measures could be put up to strenghten the security.
lusfort said:
Hmmz one concern i had was when we had to put any of our bags at the counter. I mean its like so easy for anyone to walk away with our bags. Maybe in the future some measures could be put up to strenghten the security.

ah c'mon, next time just don't bring any bag lah. Simple as that.
tany said:
same i was almost the latter...but got happy la!

so stillborn what did u get?


Haha, strangely enough my friend was aiming for that RR5 too, he told me to call him today if I saw it on sale at sweelee.......

Nice buy though, I always thought the Rhandy Rhoads Vs were better looking than the traditional flying vs. :D