Advice me on my First Guitar purchase please!


New member
Hey guys!

I'm new to SOFT. I recently got a passion for guitars and now want one badly. Could you guys recommend me one? I was thinking to go straight to an electric guitar. Are there any electric guitars below $100 SGD in Singapore? :O

Thanks in advance. :P

PS: Please forgive my newbie questions. :(
It is hard to get an electric guitar for below 100 bucks..
A decent one would cost slightly higher, at maybe 150-250?
And one more thing, you need an amplifier also.. So 100 bucks is too little a budget btw..

But still, what's your influences? And any particular shapes you interested in?
if u wan i sell u mine for 100...its a strat copy by craftsman...still in good me for details if u interested
Hey guys thanks for responding! I really like SOFT! :D Anyway, sorry to be noob but whats the difference without an amp? And influences is just my friends and Linkin Park. I also want to play Wind Of Change by Scorpions. No particular shape. This is the first time buying a guitar.

sugarbird: Hmm, can I have the picture please? :P I'll go google it. And I probably only can buy in like Nov/Dec holidays. Will you still hold the offer till then? :P
I suggest you save up for a while more. $200 to $250 should get you a starter pack like SX which will include the guitar, amp, strap and everything you need to start playing.
The amplifier is to amplify the sound from your guitar..
Like your classical guitars with the hole in the body allows the sound of the guitar to be heard..
But using an electric guitar, you need an amplifier instead..
Ah ok. Thanks guys! :) And one more thing. I researched online. I heard alot about the Fender Squire. People say the ones made in Korea/China is the cheapest. Does Singapore sell them? Probably $100SGD or below?
It is unlikely that you'll be able to get any guitar firsthand with that budget, not even a squire. It's really better if you take the time until nov/dec to save up, to get yourself a better guitar so that you'll want to keep playing.
You definitely need to have at the very least $200 on hand in order to acquire both a guitar and an amp.

Like the others said, it will be wise to save up (maybe $300+?).

You can also check out the Buy/Sell section. But please do get someone who is experienced to accompany you if your getting it 2nd hand from another player. =)
i saw a new strat copy going for less than $100 at Music theme (the shop opposite davis with the deans on the window) without amp of course.

IT isnt too hard to save another $100, just eat less and skip a few movie outings and you'll find yourself with $100 in no time.
Hehe thanks for helping again guys! But sudden news, I have a guitar arriving tomorrow at 4PM as a surprise. I'll post back to tell you to comment on it. Probably not an electric one. >_<

EDIT: I got a classical guitar by Kaynak. It's like so rusty and one string sounds weird.
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if you're a noob/starter to the guitar world, get someone who is experienced to accompany you when purchasing ANY guitar gear. Regardless if its for new or used eqmt; and the budget.

The decision to purchase is ultimately yours of course but a 2nd opinion will help you with your decision.
given your budget, no need buy amp. download amplitube 2 . then by a small $1 converter to plug your guitar into the soundcard (hopefully one with low latency). sound not bad you can check the sounds on youtube.

but your guitar budget too low. if the guitar sounds like crap its quite hard to find the motivation to keep playing.:mrgreen:
Thanks for your comments guys. The classical guitar I got it free. I'll post back when I'm sooner to buy. Probably this Nov/Dec holidays. Might raise the budget by then to about $300! :D
Thanks for your comments guys. The classical guitar I got it free. I'll post back when I'm sooner to buy. Probably this Nov/Dec holidays. Might raise the budget by then to about $300! :D

Raise to $500 lah. haha. more choices.