Hi Kash, thanks for the comment! Do come down on 9th Dec to watch us and other great bands at the Xtreme Metalfest at the Gas Haus! Btw, mephisto is Justin, our bassist.
Hi gutturalpiss, you can check us out live on 9th Dec at the Gas Haus. If we're playing in any earlier gigs, you can check out our myspace page for gig updates. Thanks for your interest!
Thank you very much for listening Slash04, I'm glad you liked what you've heard. If you'd like to purchase a copy of the album it's available through any of us, and also at distros like Inokii, To Megatherion and Clairvoyant.
$16 per copy. Feel free to get one for yourself anytime, and I'd really appreciate it if you spread the words to your friends who might be interested as well. We also have t-shirts, limited to only 100 pieces.