About the scene and music in general?


New member
Support locals? yes yes. please do that.

but don't clap and praise and go like "good show buddy" when honestly, the band is crap. its either you keep your mouth shut or be honest and tell them that you don't really feel their show/performance.

we freakin need to tell them off just for them to get better in what they are doing. now that is supporting your locals.

and if they cant handle the truth, smile and walk away or F them off.

happens to me alot of time when i F the whole show up and still audiences came up to me and go, "good show buddy".WTF!!! i know its not, don't you freakin lie! (but i didnt say that). i just LOVE to see fake faces around the room.

so, be real.
this is not China. (i dont know what china has got to do wit this)
but anyways, be a responsible Singaporean.

Sometimes, you can cock up a 101 things, but you still need a pat on the back for the effort. Or a cold beer after a tiring set. Negative feedback can come later, in private.

Even if you did not meet your own high standards in terms of technicality or showmanship, it doesn't mean the audience didn't enjoy the show. Just take the support for what it's worth but don't let it get to your head either. No need to be so cynical... or find a better place to play if everyone there is so fake lol.
Guys, I am currently in Shanghai, checking out the local scene. Musically/performance wise, they are on par if not already better than us in Singapore. This place I just came back from is YuYingTang and it is similar like HOME CLUB. 5 bands played tonight and they are all good.

There's a 50RMB entrance and the place is packed with people. Drinks are cheap though. 20RMB for a bottle which is like S$4.

Spoke with the Chinese owner + Ang Mo manager and the situation is the same like Singapore. Local bands are not commercially successful. But you can see the enjoyment and passion the people have for the local rock music.

Keep on doing what we are doing and do it better asap.
Nice. For those of us not in Shanghai, can also check out China-based indie/electro band Pet Conspiracy at Baybeats tomorrow (SATURDAY, 20 August) 1030pm at the Esplanade Outdoor Theatre. :p
Sometimes, the audience don't notice the slight mistakes you/the band makes if it isn't very obvious. I mean, we're musicians so we can definitely tell even the slightest error. We just have to learn and try not the make the same mistakes again.
If strangers come up to you and tell you that you did well, it's a good thing. If you really sucked, they would have just walked away so give yourself a pat on your back that even with your screw ups, you still managed to give a good enough show to the audience! It's not being fake or anything but it's encouragement for you to do better for your future shows!
that is the main reason why scene in SG is quite dead i can say. compare to US or UK or even Malaysia. audiences are honest and helpful. performers here are too showered wit love. LOL.
Audience vote with their action. If the band cannot make a living performing music, that means the audience don't like their music. Simple as that. Your band can do a test, play music to make a living for 3 years. If you can survive, that means your music is good.
Audience vote with their action. If the band cannot make a living performing music, that means the audience don't like their music. Simple as that. Your band can do a test, play music to make a living for 3 years. If you can survive, that means your music is good.

so you mean in Sg, you play for money? not for passion? hmmm...
is it only the industry here is doing this?

cause i know a lot of talents do music cause they love.
never have i heard of a band with business plans.

anyways, thanks for your advise.
i will concentrate on making money and surviving for 3 years.

thanks admin guy. :)
so you mean in Sg, you play for money? not for passion? hmmm...
is it only the industry here is doing this?

cause i know a lot of talents do music cause they love.
never have i heard of a band with business plans.

If you love what you do, you must hold your product in a certain esteem. If you do, you should then have great confidence in putting a price on it. Unless someone is funding you, you need money to survive.

No one is going to listen to your music if you do not survive in the first place, because you won't be there. If you have money, you will be able to advance the cause of your music. Marketing, equipment, production etc.

Regarding what you said - most successful bands do have a business plan. It may not be the kind you are thinking of, but they are all fighting for survival, meaning money.

Can you imagine what an insult it is when an event organizer asks you unabashedly to play for free when you spend your life developing your skills, money on your equipment, transport, time rehearsing, all for "exposure"?

Everyone has to start somewhere, and not everyone can be paid immediately, but you have to get used to the idea of getting paid to render a service. This is your profession (if you are full time).
borrowing the local context of iresponsible posting online, the reasons for the differences could be the following,

1) its the moderator for olielove posting either one of the statement without olielove knowing/permission. If tin peiling can do it, so can we

2) olielove account has been hacked and posted contradicting statements to undermine him/her presence and existance.

3) it was the partner of olielove who posted the statement without consent. If gay chao hui can do it, so can we

4) due to the overwhelming response and rush of playing, finally a good gig, the posting was done at moment which should not have been, thus the contradicting words. Oh well, if penny low can do it, so can
Oh I get it now..

1) Never have I heard of a band with business plans

2) Most successful bands have business plans


3) Never have I heard of a successful band