About Inbox Full

I receive this message about inbox full

"xxxx" has just tried to send you a private message. However, your private messages box on Singapore Music Forum has reached the specified quota. In order to receive further private messages, you must delete some messages. Please visit this page to do so:http://soft.com.sg/forum/private.php

But after deleting some of my msgs in inbox, i don't seemed to receive any new msg. can i have some help? i need to know who contacted me for buying/selling.


Sorry but the sender would have to contact you again. He/she would have gotten an email stating that you could not receive the PM and should resend the PM again.

* solution is to keep the PM 50% full.
Sorry but is there any chance or help you can trace and check the message for me?

or any help you can provide me (for example who is the one who pm me etc.)

I really hope to sell my item and i think the chance do not come by easy.

Many thanks..