About Fender Strats


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Hey All,

Noticed That Fender Strats Are Made In Different Places And Just Wanted To Know Whats The Difference In Sound And Price Because i Might be Getting One Myself:) Any Advice Or Reply Is Greatly Appreciated~
the MIJs are probably the best...quality is good and its much cheaper than the MIA...But of course, MIAs have the highest quality out of all...

The MIMs aren't too bad too...but try to get an MIJ if you can...good quality and a smaller hole in your pocket...

btw..MIJ stands for made in japan..and American and Mexico respectively.. :)
I believe MIJ cannot be found now? Unless in the 2nd hand market.
Current productions in japan are what they called Crafted in Japan a.k.a CIJ.
Maybe experts here can help us on that.
sorry for hijacking but are the CIJs available in HSS configuration with a trembolo ( whammy bar ? ) .. ?

not sure about them being CIJs...but i know sweelee offers the Fender HighWay 1 which comes in either SSS, HSS, or HSS with a floyd rose...if i'm not wrong its about 1.2 - 1.5? its crafted in America i think...and i heard many good thinks about the HighWay 1...
american standards are cheap now i think , go for them hahaha . It feels damn good to own one too , i know people may say its the player and not the gear but good gear helps too !
The current made in japan fenders are known as CIJs(crafted in japan). Great guitars that easily surpass MIMs and most MIAs in terms of quality, workmanship and tone, with the necessary upgrades. Its a common misconception here that people think the CIJs are lacking behind the americans in terms of quality, but there's a certain reason why japanese strats are not sold in USA.....competition at price point, penny wise, pound foolish.
if i not wrong, Davis' CIJs are SSS, wilkinson-style trem. correct me if i'm wrong, thanks.

I think you mean vintage fender style trem. The davis guitars are also all made of basswood btw. Don believe what the shop owner tells you, go double check on the fender japan webby if unsure. ask for the model number as well. For alder body strats, try TYMC or G77. the basswood ones are in the region of 950 bucks while the alder bodied ones are 1.2k -1.4k
The current made in japan fenders are known as CIJs(crafted in japan). Great guitars that easily surpass MIMs and most MIAs in terms of quality, workmanship and tone, with the necessary upgrades. Its a common misconception here that people think the CIJs are lacking behind the americans in terms of quality, but there's a certain reason why japanese strats are not sold in USA.....competition at price point, penny wise, pound foolish.

totally agree!
A general rule of thumb for distinguishing the body wood is the pickups used - The Alder bodied bodies are suffixed with a TX for Texas Specials e.g. ST57-TX. Just look for a Texas Special sticker on the pickguard. For the models with US Vintage pickups, the body wood is likely to be basswood.
don't know too much about strats...besides, i own a SUPER strat :)

seriously, go to sweelee and try the highway 1. I saw a version on display at the warehouse at sims drive with a FR and a HSS config
I'll use the Standard Models as a reference point.

MIM - $7-800 (Swee Lee, Brendon)
CIJ - $900-$1400 (TY music, Davis)
MIA - $1600-1700 (Brendon - depends on the specs)

It must be really hard to capitalise the first letter like you do by the way.

Alot of the information you require can be found on:

A little googling goes a long way :)
Which Part Of The Sweelee Website Do You Go To See The Prices? :confused:
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