Now don't be too quick to dismiss some bands just 'cause they're not "underground" enough for you people...
Some of A7x's older material is actually pretty decent, and you HAVE to admit, catchy. (Come on, which one of you hasn't the hook from Chapter 4 stuck in your head before? Be honest now. :wink: )
I do however, agree that most of their stuff sounds the same. Bland. It would do them some good to vary their tonal palette a little if they expect to be respected as musicians, not mtv-generation-metalcore-wankerfied showpieces who just follow some cut-and-paste song structure for all their new material.
And with regards to their image, people would probably respect them a helluva lot more than if they lost the whole "dark, brooding" thing and the goth-kid stage names they've got going on. :roll: