strats said:
nak said:i wont even go if a free ticket was given to me.
you ppl need the hard truth, a7x is terrible, metalcore my ass.
anep said:if i was in your shoes, i'd sell the tix instead... :wink:
Stairwaytoheaven said:I agree... m.shadows totally stop screaming that much ever since he damaged his vocal chords(or throat).
actually it woulda been bttr if they named it some other -core. Only then i'd respect it as another good style. Bt simply associating metal with the kind of music distorts the view of what metal really is. Bt i wouldnt go as far as to hating it since itz done nothing wrong nor impact my life in any bad way :lol: so i dont c a point in this kinda thought. n furthermore, there r great bands in these fields tht r indeed considered metal bcoz they do sound metal. bt for a7x n 90% of metalcore/nu metal bands, they dont.panz3rr said:got to agree with nak, metalcore my ass :twisted:
Kengz said:I'd prefer them not to become too popular.