a problem with my bass


New member
Hi there,

the 20th fret of my D string couldn't produce any sound after i changed the strings lyk last wk.
does anyone knows how to fix this?


btw, if there's anyone out that that has unwanted bass strings( i.e old strings) i may be willing to buy them for a cheap cheap price. lol. jus pm me your price. thanks ( i'm using regular 4 string bass btw)
waa... can you elaborate on what you mean by "no sound"? does it have a "tk tk" sound, like the sound produced when playing ghost notes?
hmm should be a dead note... yeah, and why are you collecting old bass strings? are you thinking of boiling?
yeah, da fret produce something lyk a ghost note, i think it should be smthg to do wif da neck maybe? cos i adjust everything adjustable on the bass other than the neck liao( cos i dunno how to adjust) nt sure bout the gauge of the string though, but i think the new string's gauge is higher.

lol, i dunno what has old strings goona do wif reaggae but i may consider playing, lol. any artist to recommend?
any idea where to bring it down to?
does sweelee do this sort of stuff? cos i bought my bass frm sweelee, so yeah
eh seriously? what has old string got to do with reggae?
reggae tone is dead and loose. this gives the music a laid-back feel. thats why you don't see reggae players playing with picks, cranking up the tone or using distortion pedals etc. partly the reason is because early forms of reggae were played on the double bass