A Pedal to Have!!!


New member
This would be stale news to all or most of you but I've recently discovered...what could be the greatest pedal to own.

:twisted: An Eq Pedal. :twisted:

I just got a Danelectro Fish & Chips 7 band Eq... and I LOVE IT!!! It really shapes my tone well and now I have a tone I totally love!

How many of you have ém 7 band eq pedals? Boss GE-7, Fish & Chips.. all of them!

Care to share your settings?

Here's something I use...

100 - FLAT (ZERO position)
200 - Centered on the second notch BELOW flat (One notch above -15)
400 - Centered on the first notch ABOVE flat
800 - Centered on the first notch BELOW +15
1.6k - FLAT (ZERO position)
3.2k - FLAT (ZERO position)
6.4k - Centered on the first notch BELOW flat

Found it on Harmony Central... good tone!

Any more?
Eq is suited for a lot of pro players. But not really used much in the metal arena. But you must know how to tweak it or it will not do your sound any good, it'll actually turn your sound to crap. Thats why you can see a lot on the second hand market.
i use my EQ after my tubescreamer to scoop the mids. The setting looks kinda like a V - shape, hence "scooped"

But for a live situation or jamming you cannot hear mid scooped guitars. raise the mid frequencies, kinda like reversing the setting for solos to cut through.
My personal setting uses a lot of mids... I love mids... Its a very unique tone... I guess the closest person who has that would be Mattias IA Elkund of Freak Kitchen....

My settings look more like a W... :)

Come on!!!
Share settings guys!!!
What do you use?