New member
i would really recommend u to go with wat u want and i see that u are interested in the sx bass... one reminder, before buying, please try it 1st hand, dun let the salesperson try for u, try for urself...
i dunno why u guys rave on SX, i tried an SX once in jam bought in by a female bassist. beside a decent stater bass. it is horrendous to play on it. i mean a low end ltd/squier feels better than SX.
i dunno why u guys rave on SX, i tried an SX once in jam bought in by a female bassist. beside a decent stater bass. it is horrendous to play on it. i mean a low end ltd/squier feels better than SX.
I recently purchased a bass, K GARAGE, from Ty music. Fender "lookalike".....surprise surprise, it plays like a Fender, feels like a Fender and sound like a Fender.At a fraction of the cost. You might wanna check it out.
^ ya i heard someone testing it out yesterday when i was there. sounded good, really. there was also a beeeautiful-lookin japanese fender jazz going for under a thousand bucks. but the body was basswood though i think that may account for the price.
anyhoo, i think you wanna know more about SX basses right, and modding them. ive only tried one once quite some time back. it didnt feel alien to me cos it was a competent copy of the fender jazz in terms of feel. if you wanna mod it, you oughtta know what you want in terms of tone (preamps, replacement pickups, bridge, etc). so you have to already have a sound in your mind that youre aiming for. and youre gonna hafto source out the right replacement parts to buy, which can be a pain, but fun also. it may at the end of the day cost just as much/more than a stock fender jazz itself. this is kinda the rationale behind why the previous posts urge you to determine your preferred tone and budget first. hope this helps bro!
I'd recommend then Stagg jazz basses. They're a German brand. The workmanship and tone of the bass is really sweet. I tried it at Zen guitarworks. It's within your budget too. There's a detailed review here.
Wow nvr heard af that brand before .. How much was that? wanna go try it tmr la...