a must pedal for bass??

slapwalkpop said:
you can kill with just fingers

agreed ...

usually bassists will go through their tone clean for most songs. Pedals are just the add on, just imagine it as the spice of the whole mee siam you know? ...

personal preference actually .. alot of the effects that guitarists are not suitable for us for one because of the range of our instrument, and for another, we'll end up usually clashing with them .. so .. clean tone is the way ...

but in IMO i think pedals are just the extra, you can live without them ...
chester277 said:

what if guitar plays clean and bass plays overdriven? :D

then suck thumb lorh ... usually no such thing one lah .. the range usually will go a bit wooky one ... you'd realise that something is not right ... i haven't tried it before but .. .i can imagine it ...
But sometimes bassist like cliff burton use distortion and sometimes a slight wah effect to "build up" the climax of the song, sort of adds a little "push" to the guitar overdriven sound, and normal clean tone in the other parts of the song(intro,verse etc).
platypus said:
But sometimes bassist like cliff burton use distortion and sometimes a slight wah effect to "build up" the climax of the song, sort of adds a little "push" to the guitar overdriven sound, and normal clean tone in the other parts of the song(intro,verse etc).

and song examples? i'm interested in hearing what it sounds like..
zel said:
what does a compressed sound sounds like?

put a cup over your mouth and try sceaming into it .. make sure no gap okay? .. that's what it sounds like if you put TOO MUCH compression .. compression is not something drastic ..

more of a tonal adjustment for the musician and can be told mostly by a trained ear ... sometimes you can't tell whether it's on or not .. unless you off it and find that your tone suddenly drops ..
platypus said:
But sometimes bassist like cliff burton use distortion and sometimes a slight wah effect to "build up" the climax of the song, sort of adds a little "push" to the guitar overdriven sound, and normal clean tone in the other parts of the song(intro,verse etc).

well .. that's perfectly fine to add spice to a certain part of the song ... but if we're talking about let's say distortion for the e.guit and bass fuzz for the bass .. then .. either you are playing thrash metal or you're going to end up with alot of people walking out of your gig because you sound really nonsense ...

clean tone is the way to go .. for most parts .. =)
I use a bass fuzz.. Must REALLY KNOW what gain level to set because 1) Fuzz is like a very obvious distortion, dont wanna be too loud/jarring. 2) Don't wanna be too soft cos you'll sound like a mosquito and the band will wonder where the bass went. 3) Bassists are expected to be reliable (dynamically). A fuzz is ultra-conpressed. Need to be PRECISE with settings.
Sorry for posting again (didnt read thread title).

But seriously, the most useful pedal would be a preamp/Di like the MXR/Hartke/Sansamp etc. Anything with an EQ, level/gain adjustment and also the all-useful XLR out for gigs. An EQ and gain setting can come in where the fingers cant take you.
due to the low octave of the bass, too much effects can make it sound real muddy and undefined....effects especially distortion are meh for the most part unless u play up the neck