a little help on guitar selection...

for beginners easier to start with a hard tail guitar, no tremolo to worry about.

ibanez try rg321, sz320, sz520 are all gd stuff.

Other brands: any lp copy,sg copy would be gd choices as well.
On the other hand, there are people lik eme, who went floyd rose in the beginning.

5 hours, my first string change. My first EVER string change on an electric guitar.

After that.. its easy going. :D 20 mins now.
Yea i am waiting for this week to end then go looking ard for guitars. SL sims or BB got more variety?
shredcow.. how do u manage to do it in 20 mins?? the fastest i've ever changed it was like 30 mins.. ever.. including restringing, tuning and stretching the strings...
juz get a epiphone les paul?

if u're impatient, then go get an ibanez with a fixed bridge, won't give u so much problems. the ibanez sz doesn't look too bad.


i suggest u head down to swee lee or even davis at peninsular plaza to check out wad guitars u may want to get and the average price range(s). simply take a look around.

start slow, many many things to pick up along the way.
Ibanez RGs are definitely value-4-money, go look at the ones suggested. RG350DX is out of stock however........... Regarding amps, plz DON'T get a tube simulation amp...........it jus doesn't cut it. As 4 a gd LP copy........at ur budget u can't even get an Epi LP Standard..........so dun bother yet. Epi LP Standard or Ultra are gd and both are at SL BB showroom......go check' em out. But if u have more monye 2 spare, like 1k++ go look at Burnys, Tokais, Edwards, or Grecos. Their quality is rumoured 2 be better than that of Gibson itself...............Anyways, if it sound right to u, jus get it!
Ibanez SA guitars are gd too, go check 'em out as well. If u wanna get a trem, get an Ibanez SAT Pro bridge. It's well made and performs well. If u wanna go the real trem way, get an FR lor...............but better 2 get an Ibanez EDGE trem, present on the RG series or the Gotoh FR units.
RazrAsh said:
shredcow.. how do u manage to do it in 20 mins?? the fastest i've ever changed it was like 30 mins.. ever.. including restringing, tuning and stretching the strings...

Hehehe. I didn't clean the fretboard nothing loh. Strictly string change. Then use a string winder.

I don't really have to stretch my strings alot, find that they stretch out very easily, and i can lock the nut. I string from the Low E string one by one. Lo E, then put on the A and then do the A, etc etc. I can do it from the Hi E, that would effectively stretch the steel strings but its too fragile for that lah.
loldude333 said:
Wah lau eh Shred.........i can't even do my RGT42DX in half and hour...............i'm noob lah

Well... at least its half an hour. :)

Floyds are great fun... lots of extra flavours available, plus the ridiculous tunning stability... man, just go crazy with it.
yeah.....i remember once i broke 3 strings while playing with dat EDGE...........man was i being crazy. i dedicated the whole day 2 absolutely go crazy with my trem. and near the end............when i thot everything was gonna be fine.........3 strings break :( . but it was worth it man............boy was i exhilarated
loldude333 said:
yeah.....i remember once i broke 3 strings while playing with dat EDGE...........man was i being crazy. i dedicated the whole day 2 absolutely go crazy with my trem. and near the end............when i thot everything was gonna be fine.........3 strings break :( . but it was worth it man............boy was i exhilarated

Edge? Or Edge Pro II?

I've broken 1 string on my Edge so far in.. i dunno.. 1 yr? ... these things are insane.
haha.. lo pro edge forever!!!! pity they dont put the edge on the ibanez guitars there days.. it all the edge pros and the edge 2 and 3... i want the original edge!!!