A Gen X'ers band.... lets get them bones a'movin


New member
The Gen-X Project

Its been a long while since I entered a studio or performed with any band mates.
Last was at some wedding in Lorong Ah Soo in 1992 if i recall.
From then, its just playing along to backing tracks while busy raising a family.

The itch is back.
So, now I'm an old coot looking for some old coots to come together to jam with.
I'm self taught and my guitar playing is really mediocre (maybe due to less guitar playing in past years).
"Sudah karat" as they say in Malay. Look up some of my posts and you'll see/hear.

I'm not looking to perform anywhere or earn extra money.
Just to play together once a month or whenever time permits. Sorta like a garage band.

So if youre an early Generation X with youthful exuberance & juvenile tendencies,
into 70's to mid 90's rock/metal, lets get going and get them bones a'movin'.

a lead, a bass, a drummer and 'pipes'... average skills will do lah.

:rolleyes: "Lets show them young punks what we can't do"
(yup... you read that right)
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After selling off my bass many years ago thinking im probably done all after my buddies started having their own families, and seeing nowadays youngsters are pretty much very talented, i almost gave up on playing a bass since there'll be no uncles free to go jamming with anyway. Fortunately i still keep my tiny practise amp ( becos i fail to sell it away in ebay )..haha..and my ichy for playing bass still comes once in a while like a recurrence. i tried learning piano, I still have my acoustic guitar ( under my bed ) and end up not fairing well in either.. Haha.. Cos i am also self taught, numbers, tabs, dots over numbers, dots under numbers ( if you know what that is.. ).

Your post rekindles me and i wanted to buy a bass guitar soon. Im closing in into dreaded 40. Glad im younger than singapore, a little... Duh...
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