ewwww. the last few pics are gross.
it might be true if the that lady broke the cat's paw and the hipbone.
read today's straits times, Forum Page. there's an article someone sent about the cats broken paw & hipbone & how someone found that cat in the shoe cupboard. tsktsk. so evil
that is sick... totally sick...
i guess its real. u have to be a pro photoshop-ist to make it look so real.
damn. wheres the law against abuse of animals in that country.
For god's sake .. That's so fake .. That rhymes .. Especially the last part the blood ... Not saying stuff like this don't happen in real life though .. If i see a person torturing a cat infront of me i make sure the last thing he see is the pavement...
once i saw a mat kick a helpless little kitten along some path in bedok for no reason whatsover. i lost it and eventually it took 3 guys to get me off him after i hammered the shit out of that lowlife and left him bleeding along the road with a broken nose and wrist.