A band that has released an insane album.

u want insane in the membrane?

then pls check out the almighty Canadian warblackgrind band Revenge. Their 2 albums (Triumph.Genocide.Antichrist & Victory.Intolerance.Mastery) are surely testimony to the mad powerviolence of monomaniacal misanthropic elite and kvlt human tornados/hurricanes!!!!!

So sick and enraged it actually brings joy to mankind!!!! bestest ever...........
Threadstarter, I think there should be a warning of its genre or something? 'Coz I hated it...
df ... this is a public forum ...and it has moderators !!
You post sounded like "can we please have huge ass neon sign for the female toilets "

I knew what was comin when i read the threadstarters post ...actually i anticipated much worst ...why didn't you ?

you funny lah :lol:


anyways most of the posts are re metal-type albums so this thread somehow found its water.

but if anyone is keen pls talk abt yr fav classical albums that are mad.......

and American Idiot, not sure if thats insane or just a work of idiocy.......
gsonique...he said insane...which I took it for mind blowing (as in great album).

Huge ass neon lights is not needed for female toilets but come on, surely a female sign is needed.
i dont think it takes a shitload of time to scan thru the posts and basically fig out what ppl are discussing. if the topic aint up my alley i wldnt bother
he said insane...which I took it for mind blowing

:lol: so you did go into a female toilet ...buggerd :lol:

Anyways ..i feel some band take it to some ridiculous heights to get noticed so dont be alarmed ... worst to come :lol:
deathism, you need to learn how to read. If you can't, which I think was the case, here's what happened. I didn't know what genre this 'insane' album thing was under so I clicked the link and all I heard was screaming and more screaming. Nothing like what I was expecting.

Though I must confess I need to learn to look around too...I didn't notice the Carnage thing in front until now.
wahlauwey.. i think one of the purpose the threadstarter started this because he wants to share this kinda music which some of us, likes it.

chill lah. if you dont like, so be it lah.

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