A band that has released an insane album.

I've listen to the whole album and I must say they are really good..
The last track entitled 'Hidden Track' is like sludge doom music and i simply like it..

But nothing beats Nile 'Ithyphallic' album.. A must listen album in 2007!
yeah this band owns, one of my favourite death bands... other than NECROPHAGIST! whici i fell totally in love with quite recently
wah, Psyopus like TDEP abit ey?

dunno what they eat or drink or smoke to write such music.
really GILA really MENTAL one lah! hahahahah!
Psyopus makes their music to annoy people :lol:

But great tech stuff.. Check out Behold... The Arctopus as well.
Ahhh. Sweet. Tech thread. Any braindrill lover?
And beneath the massacre. Great great stuffs.
Damn. I have yet to get the 2007 CephC album.
Got lots of albums in line.
Anw, u should try get a copy of human rejection's new album.
Power greek guttural brutality. Not tech though.
Just sharing.