9 New Tunes All About Living Above the Void Decks

hi mworrow

just listen through your songs. very interesting stuff you got there. that jazzy feel and the singing reminds me of a younger Dick Lee + X'Ho.

i meant it in a good way. 8)
Just listened to all of them. They're great in a quirky way! I especially liked the tom waits sweet jimmy low down. Really enjoyed them.
Thanks for the comments. All the tunes were recorded at my home studio. Cubase SL software, Mackie mixer and M-Audio Delta 44 Sound Card. And a lot of overdubs!
This is the first time I've heard an ode to Geylang... you spend a lotta time there? :wink:

But it's pretty fun stuff u have there...
I am in Geylang a lot - but only because we use a jam studio there. Least that's what I tell the wife....... :D
My band just did a couple of gigs in Vietnam which were great fun. But we are looking for a female singer now so we are currently in the "re-building" phase! If you know anyone please let me know.


Woah... sounds interesting... How was the reception to the band over there? I heard their underground scene is slowly emerging eh...
Yes I heard that two. A couple of days in not really enough to get a feel for the scene there obviously, but some friends who live there says some things are starting to happen. Saigon itself is booming and the music scene is following this trend I think.
highly interesting... :D
I read on Serenaide's website that they played with a Laotian band. Looks like our neighbours are catching up! :D

But Saigon is so 70's dei... Hehehe...
Cool tunes U got there... :)

Nice songs...

I love A New Day!!!

Even though I listen to Rock/Metal most of the time, this kinda songs are very refreshing.... 8)
Hey Shred

Thanks for the comments - you are obviosly an incurable romantic at heart despite the metalic exterior!

I'm not metallic at the exterior lah Bro.. I'm just a normal skin and bones..

I'll listen to good music to matter the genre is...

Keep it up dude!!

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