H hub37 New member Jul 9, 2007 #21 some more old cartoons wu3 di2 tai4 kong1 chuan2 tai4 kong1 tu1 ji1 dui4 Barbapapa Centurions
blissuicide New member Jul 9, 2007 #23 Where the hell are Starcom and Sky Commanders??? They are too cool to be missed. Oh yea, Wuzzles too...
Where the hell are Starcom and Sky Commanders??? They are too cool to be missed. Oh yea, Wuzzles too...
freakboy New member Jul 9, 2007 #24 silverhawk! bravestar! ewoks! M.A.S.K.! transformers! wow, too many to mention! 80s' cartoons rulez!! :supz:
silverhawk! bravestar! ewoks! M.A.S.K.! transformers! wow, too many to mention! 80s' cartoons rulez!! :supz:
faizal_rocks New member Jul 9, 2007 #28 I can`t believe no one mentioned He-Man`s twin sis...SHE-RA!!! My childhood fantasy...
T tfcewan New member Jul 10, 2007 #30 oh gawd... no.. alvin and the CHIPMUNKS?! Anyone forgot Mask? or Jetman? although that is under live action sentai.
oh gawd... no.. alvin and the CHIPMUNKS?! Anyone forgot Mask? or Jetman? although that is under live action sentai.
G glentiaw New member Jul 10, 2007 #31 i looooooved mask. i had quite a number of their toys. here's a few more of my favorites... dinoriders, silverhawks, starcom, thundercats, transformers, he-man, and my all time favorite toy that i had, marshal bravestar.
i looooooved mask. i had quite a number of their toys. here's a few more of my favorites... dinoriders, silverhawks, starcom, thundercats, transformers, he-man, and my all time favorite toy that i had, marshal bravestar.
edder New member Jul 10, 2007 #32 i'm surprised no one mention JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS! heh heh.... thanks hub37 for the barbapapa reference. It jolted some childhood memories of me and my sister being glued to the cartoon! Awesome!
i'm surprised no one mention JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS! heh heh.... thanks hub37 for the barbapapa reference. It jolted some childhood memories of me and my sister being glued to the cartoon! Awesome!
H hub37 New member Jul 10, 2007 #33 I have the black hairy barbapapa soft toy which I bought from Provence......how I long to go there again!!
I have the black hairy barbapapa soft toy which I bought from Provence......how I long to go there again!!
edder New member Jul 10, 2007 #34 super CUTE!!! http://www.barbapapa.fr/ Merch! http://www.tf1store.fr/jeunesse/barbapapa?ref=11 http://punkzoo.com/page12383.htm
super CUTE!!! http://www.barbapapa.fr/ Merch! http://www.tf1store.fr/jeunesse/barbapapa?ref=11 http://punkzoo.com/page12383.htm
A AvonRellets New member Jul 11, 2007 #35 SAAAAAAAYYYYYBRRREEEE RYYYYYDDDEEEERRRRSSSSSs AND THE STAR SHERIFFS! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saber_Rider_and_the_Star_Sheriffs *deep voice* VOLTRON. DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE-verse-verse-erse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltron
SAAAAAAAYYYYYBRRREEEE RYYYYYDDDEEEERRRRSSSSSs AND THE STAR SHERIFFS! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saber_Rider_and_the_Star_Sheriffs *deep voice* VOLTRON. DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE-verse-verse-erse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltron
G guitarsan New member Jul 11, 2007 #37 More like 70's cartoon for me (old?...nah!) :wink: 80's best.....Mask, Transformers Best of all time.....70's manga "Machine Blaster", dubbed in Malay, shown on RTM. Remember the 4 giant fighting robots manned by humans? :lol:
More like 70's cartoon for me (old?...nah!) :wink: 80's best.....Mask, Transformers Best of all time.....70's manga "Machine Blaster", dubbed in Malay, shown on RTM. Remember the 4 giant fighting robots manned by humans? :lol:
T theblueark New member Jul 11, 2007 #38 Dudes, dudes. G.I Joe. Cobra Commander! I super loved visionaries and mask as well. Transformers, teenage muntant ninja turtles. Great era of cartoons. Now we're left with cow and chicken, ed ed edder(?). Though family guy, simpsons, southpark and the like are evilly fantastic. Just, not too suited for kids?
Dudes, dudes. G.I Joe. Cobra Commander! I super loved visionaries and mask as well. Transformers, teenage muntant ninja turtles. Great era of cartoons. Now we're left with cow and chicken, ed ed edder(?). Though family guy, simpsons, southpark and the like are evilly fantastic. Just, not too suited for kids?
E Elias New member Jul 11, 2007 #39 Wokay...I'm sure I'm not the only one who's also into these cute cartoons like: The Wuzzles: Snorks: Heathcliff (such catchy theme song!): Ducktales: ...and Ghostbusters too! This one's not really a cartoon but my first encounter with 'rock': (Hey...there's a fellow lefty there!) In my opinion, Visionaries is the darkest cartoon I've watched as a child...absolutely loved the concept and I even bought one of the figures! Not forgetting, Gummi bears caused me 8 stiches on my wrist when I fell and cut my hand on a broken bowl while rushing to see the last episode :lol: The 80s' are awesome man...
Wokay...I'm sure I'm not the only one who's also into these cute cartoons like: The Wuzzles: Snorks: Heathcliff (such catchy theme song!): Ducktales: ...and Ghostbusters too! This one's not really a cartoon but my first encounter with 'rock': (Hey...there's a fellow lefty there!) In my opinion, Visionaries is the darkest cartoon I've watched as a child...absolutely loved the concept and I even bought one of the figures! Not forgetting, Gummi bears caused me 8 stiches on my wrist when I fell and cut my hand on a broken bowl while rushing to see the last episode :lol: The 80s' are awesome man...