7 strings

There aren't many seven-strings to begin with, so you might want to just try some of them in person and decide which one you like the most.
Agreed. Schecter i like. Ibanez 7s haven't tried. There's the c7 standard, Extreme Omen 7, Gryphon 7, Damien Elite 7 etc. from Schecter. The Omen 7 is good stuff.
i miss my 7 stringer.

the ibanez i had was awesome, but too bad at that point of time it was a white elephant..
The Ibanez Apex 2 is pretty good. Tried one and was rather impressed by the tone. Medium entry 7 with good pups and hardware... fit and finish was underwhelming but hey, it's cheap.

Stop at 7 when you can go 8 anyway?
The Ibanez Apex 2 is pretty good. Tried one and was rather impressed by the tone. Medium entry 7 with good pups and hardware... fit and finish was underwhelming but hey, it's cheap.

Stop at 7 when you can go 8 anyway?

Where did you try the Apex? And sure, why stop at 8 too ;)

I'd personally recommend the Schecter BlackJack. I find that the Omen is too one dimensional.
if you don't mind playing standing up most of the time & has high gain priority, this LTD might appeal to you:

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