5 years from now..

Re: 5 yrs from now..

no need stdy so hard.. in 5 years time casino will be build finsh u go gamble lor.. no need worries abt O lvl and shit :)
I'll be 20 or 21 by that time. I think by that time just finish my NS. f**k NS man. take 2 and a half years of our precious life. (no offence about defending the country, but its 2+ years, if 6 mths then can tolerate lar.)

so, i hope by that time, i'll already have a mass comm diploma or something, then work as a reporter after NS.


BE A ROCKSTAR. *dreams* hahaha.
At least they pay you something for going into the NS. When you come out, spend that cash on GAS :D
i hope to be in a uni , studying a good course , doing my honours year or sumtihng .. then when graduate liao , get degree , open a guitar shop
DoubleBlade said:
Degree in Guitar Mechandising? :lol:

if there were one .. in sg ill do it :P

haha ... very easy to mug ... just need

good customer service , cheap prices , friendly to everyone policy .. cant go wrong with that >?
5 yrs from now i'll be 5 years older.... :smt003 and maybe living in Gothenburg, Sweden(what a dream!) letting my children(if i have any) have more options in their life...

in 5 years time...

i'll be 22.. NS... after work marry....

fuck my wife evryday... lol...

no lar... i'll be making sure i'll be a complete virtuoso who also is a diploma holder in biomedical science..
I'll probably have quit MI because I got some skank bitch i regret nailing pregnant and now have to work so we can afford our shitty apartment. :D
i wonder if 5yrs from now, we will still be here posting in this forum, discussing about music, only this time, we will all be guiding the 'newbies' who will ask exactly the same questions as we do now!
some of us here could by then, be big names in music! this is gonna be nostalgic, we could be saying, "you know, SOFT forum is where we all would meet day and night, talking about GAS, gigs, and... babes!" lol!
i'd be 24, probably finished my degree in BA, came back to Singapore from Aussie? coz one of the plans is going there end of nxt year... and...i hope i can afford to start GAS-ing when i start work. haha....
duskalways said:
i wonder if 5yrs from now, we will still be here posting in this forum, discussing about music, only this time, we will all be guiding the 'newbies' who will ask exactly the same questions as we do now!
some of us here could by then, be big names in music! this is gonna be nostalgic, we could be saying, "you know, SOFT forum is where we all would meet day and night, talking about GAS, gigs, and... babes!" lol!

Hit the jackpot!!

And don't forget to mention about the importance of earplugs! :lol:
ok. I'll make an archieve of this thread and see whether you really achieve what you are dreaming now.

In the meantime, I'll just be more realistic. Five year from now I hope that I will still be playing my beloved fender stratocaster at home. And yeah, adding 2 or 3 more stratocasters in the span of 5 years would be nice I guess.
shred5 said:
And don't forget to mention about the importance of earplugs! :lol:
haha! hopefully by then, most SOFTies here have no hearing impairment :smt009 AND... they say, "hey, luckily we knew about the importance of earplugs from the SOFT forum!"
ya ya i am getting nostalgic already... :?

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