3 sided jacks and other stuff


New member
Hey guys....My guitarist and I move around to each others place to work out songs so here's our problem.

We both only have 1 amp at our places and its a hassle to lug a 10-15 watt around. So I wanted to ask how much one of those 3 sided jacks at Sim Lim cost. You know those with 2 1/4" in and 1 1/4" out to hook up 2 guitars to 1 amp?

Another crazy idea I had, was to get a 1/4" in to 1/8" out to connect my guitar to comp, through the mic jack(if this type of jack existed). Any thoughts on this guys?
the 2 input one output 1/4' jack cost just few dollars. Can be gotten from hardware store round heartland as well. Bought mine from sheng shiong round my kampong neighbourhood in cck. So dont have to specifically go down SL tower to get it, unless cant find in neighbourhood.

connect geetar straight to computer via the mic input wont work. Our geetar signal is too weak and the inbuilt soundcard for our comp is not meant for instrument signal. You wont hear much sound. If geetar is passive, then totally no sound at all most likely. If active pickup, then yes, you can hear something thats of lofi quality, cant even have a clean sound at all, its all overdriven, in a bad way that is, not to mentioned the speaker on the laptop is too tiny to make geetar sound decent.

Anyway, if you like to try, you just need a 1/4' to 1/8' phone jack converter(the usual earphone size plug(1/8' or 3.5 mm plug) on one end and a 1/4' jack on the other end) and instrument cable to connect. (in the pic below on the right)

To connect to computer, laptop, get a audio interface(external soundcard for audio purposes) instead. It will convert whatever that need to be converted and give you the right signal to play with, inside the comp.

why not buy a small mixer, like 4-6 inputs. There's usually 1 being sold here in soft for around $60.
Input your guitar and bass there, then output to the amplifier.

The problem with what your trying to do now is, it might create a closed circuit. Your volume knob will affect both guitars' volume, or something like that. Or if you have a distortion pedal on your giut, turning it on will also distort the bass sound. So better use a mixer. O
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