2x10 or 1x15 Cab


New member

i planning to get a cabinet. Can help me with the 2 choices..
2x10 or 1x15...
whats the different in sound i can expect from both cabinets.

im using Harthe 2500 - Bass Amplifier btw..

thanks in advance
2x 10 would give you a tighter sound with more defined low end
1 x 15 would give you probably more of the sub bass, but it will lose the clarity and punch.

For me its 10inch speakers all the way for bass (the more the merrier!)
interesting. I'm torn between a small sized 10" and a larger 12" Hartke amp.

Room space real estate is super low... will give that A35 a listen.
a single 10" might lack the power/ volume...

They get better in multiples

x 2 = good
x 4 = better
x 8 = shiok
x 8 x 2 = ultimate!

how about 24x5" cabs?

I have to settle with 2x10" for home practise due to space constraint. Currently using 8" practice amp. Tried my friend 2x10". Sound really good even with low volume. damm syiok..
interesting. I'm torn between a small sized 10" and a larger 12" Hartke amp.

i would go for the Harkte anytime.... for practice you won't be able to tell the difference, and when you mention Harkte, definitely go for that no matter what the size comparison.
i'd go wit 4X10... but to me for home practice, any amp would do... unless ur a crazy tone seeker... home for me is more for practice =] at gigs, ideal would be a ha5500 head with stacked 10X4 and 1X15... sweeet!!

a blessing from God would be a SWR goliath with the 8X10 cab! =P
i would go for the Harkte anytime.... for practice you won't be able to tell the difference, and when you mention Harkte, definitely go for that no matter what the size comparison.

i love hartke... but i gotta say, their combo amps are a little less than impressive =\ was disappointed...
i love hartke... but i gotta say, their combo amps are a little less than impressive =\ was disappointed...

depends on what you use it for... their combos for practice are just amazing, just don't use it for stage performance.
yup just got my A35. A70 is just too big for the limited space i have. tonal difference nothing much cept for the extra GraphicEQ.
woah, with the recent city music sale, i can get a good HA3500 head and a 4.5XL cab for a flat price of 1k!

but sadly i've lost the thing for hartkes.. saving up for an svt3 instead. haha
you might be surprised at that rig :) if you get the svt3 you'll have to save up for another decent cab to match it which will cost you at least another 800$.