There were a few geeky musician jokes that no one caught eh? Even my friends and I were talking about it on the way back.
For those who didn't get them, here's some of the more obscure jokes - and explanations.
"I had many requests - but I kept on playing" (requests to stop playing)
"There was an accordion player who went to a concert" (Accordions are the least favourite instrument around - an accordian concert is a rarity!)
"He was very hungry, so he decided to stop and MacDonalds to get a burger. Fearing that the accordion would be stolen, he wound up his windows, got off the car and locked the door, then proceeded to get a burger."
"When he came back, he found his windows were smashed. 'Oh my God', he looked inside, and saw 2 other accordions beside his." (Accordions are so unwanted that people dump them)
"Perfect pitch - throw an accordion at the banjo" (This is a pun of the word pitch and a metaphor to baseball)
Of course, if you didn't get it the first time, chances are these aren't so funny read here.

I still like that joke on one of his concerts best:
"Doctor doctor! Help me! I'm shrinking!"
"Oh, then you'll just have to be a little patient." :lol: